letter of Res.

January 2,2012

Dear members and officers of CTRI Club

This is to notify you I will be giving my notice of resignation from my position of Treasurer of the CTRI Group.  Effective as of the next club meeting date January 14,2012.

The reason for this is a change of direction I am making for the New Year.  I am getting involved in a New Church in my local area, and my wife and I are beginning to get somewhat active in BVARC in Woonsocket.  My wife and I are trying to be more active in similar interest and activities.  I have enjoyed my time and involvement with the ctri group over the years I have been a member.  Especially the antenna work crew involvement.  As you know I am not at active contester.  I did participate in the New England QSO party.  and the Local VHF simplex grid contest. And had I a great time doing those events.  I feel this is the time to make some changes for the New Year for both me and my wife.   I will turn in the ledger with balance information, and will turn over the clubs fund balance by making a personal check from my checking account payable to who ever takes over my old position or who ever you designate to make the balance out to.  The current balance is as follows:  $593.56.

Sincerely yours:

Daniel A. Roy


logs due reminder//upcoming events

Happy New Year!

Just a reminder that logs for last month’s ARRL 10 Meter Contest are due to ARRL NLT Jan 10.  This event was marked by outstanding participation by CTRI CG and most members who were active have already submitted their logs.  For the few who may have been active that weekend but have yet to submit, there is still time!  ARRL is just a few logs shy of 5000 for the event…and every point helps the overall CTRI club score.

…and logs for the ARRL 160 M Contest are due NLT 1600Z Tuesday Jan 3!!

Good luck to those participating in ARRL RTTY Roundup this weekend — the first significant contest of the New Year!  The contest calender is very busy for the next few months with a big contest just about each weekend…check out the convenient calendar link at the top of the webpage for general dates.

The following two weekends after RTTY Roundup will have the North American QSO Party CW, then Phone.  These events are excellent for accumulating needed U.S. states on all the HF bands 10-160m.  The exchange is simple too — name & state!  This event is only 12 hours long too (max 10 hrs for single-ops).  We may put teams together for these events if there is interest (teams consist of max. 5 single-op **UNassisted ops**only).

ARRL’s January VHF Sweeps coincides with the NAQP SSB during the 3rd weekend in January for the VHF’ers among us.

Hope to see you in the contests.

73  –  Bill  W1WBB


CTRI 20 ANNIV. S/E -May 1 – May 15

To all…

First, Happy New Year…I hope everyone has has a healthy and happy 2012.


Second, before the week is out I should have confirmation that the first special event callsign has been granted, K1C.

I used the KILO prefix since I only received one response as to what prefix block we wanted to use.

When the confirmation arrives I will post the application website and a copy of my application. We just need to all follow the same format I used so our dates and info are correct.

More info to come


Dave W1CTN

Radio Ansonia

PS: please go to my QRZ page to see the nice job Pat NG1G did erecting my new 40 meter rotary dipole.