Crandall House, Hopkinton RI
Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:22 am by President John W1AN.
Members in attendance: John, W1AN, Pres; Dean, N1SXL, VP; Ed W1PN; Bill, N1HRA; W1XX, John; KS1J, Jim; KA1GEU, Chris; N1SXL, Dean; KA1CQR, Chuck; and NG1G, Pat.
Guests in attendance: K1NEF, Jeff
Committee & Officer Reports
Minutes of the previous meeting are on the reflector.
The Treasurer was unable to attend until later. The Immediate Past Treasurer reported informally and discussed the turnover process when the treasury changes hands. Duplicate ledgers were delivered to the new Treasurer and to the Secretary. This duplication recently proved its worth as it was impossible to find the ledger when Ernie, N1SW became a silent key.
New Business

There was a wide ranging discussion with little structure. While that would have been repugnant to General Robert it was nevertheless of good value. John and Pat expressed the need to get other members involved in the planning for Boxboro. Ed suggested we try to coordinate a “joint” table at the convention for New England clubs, thus spreading the effort widely enough that every club could afford the time to be represented.
John and Bill discussed the need for a Tech course for first responders.
A number of members indicated an interest in attending Dayton next year. Chuck said his camper would be available if Dean is going. A half dozen people indicated a strong interest in going.
It was decided that we would meet monthly. The Secretary will publish a meeting calendar. Next meeting will be December 5.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:15.
Respectfully submitted.
Ed Haskell, W1PN, Secretary