Bill N1HRA has done a nice job as our club webmaster for many years, but recently has decided to step down. The wa1rr.org site has always presented our group in very positive way. Bill would collect whatever information, photos, etc., were offered, then format the content to present it in the best fashion. It can be a lot of work, is time consuming with updates sometimes delayed, and puts much responsibility on one person. Like many older generation websites, wa1rr.org was basically a one man operation. All CTRI members appreciate Bill’s effort.
For the last few weeks, Ed W1PN has been preparing a prototype for a new “structure” for the club’s web page. I am using the word “structure” to encompass the words “outline, feel, appearance and theme.” The major difference in the site will be to make the content a group effort. Each member will be able to add and edit his own contributions. The way this will be done is with what is called a content management system. Once logged in the member will use the online tools to make his entries, add photos, create topics for discussion and respond with comments, etc. Pretty nice!
Hope this goes through. First time trying this.
I wonder if the website will replace the reflector as the main “watering hole” for club members to exchange comments. It looks great. I too want to thank Bill for all his effort in maintaining the website. His multi-media contributions were top notch. I could never figure out how he always got the right music to fit the photos!!