Ken Wagner, K3IU, was surprised with what he found in the mailbox. “In today’s mail I received a lovely piece of wallpaper from the ARRL for being the SOLP Winner for 50 MHz in the RI Section, in the 2009 Sept VHF QSO Party.
It just goes to show that you should always submit your log. My score was 207 and I had 23 QSOs (before dupes).”

Ken had no serious expectation of winning anything when he submitted his log. He didn’t even submit any observations or results to the CTRI CG reflector except an oblique reference to his logs when he responded to a post from NG1G several weeks after the contest identifying a problem with the scoring robot.
There is an object lesson in this for all of us. No matter how modest your performance in a contest seems at the time finish the effort with a log submission. At the very least it will boost the club’s aggregate performance slightly, and, who knows, you might pull off a surprise win!
Congratulations Ken.
This is a fine accomplishment Ken.