3 comments on “November Meeting Notice

  1. The program will be an on-line presentation on the new WA1RR website.

    Discussion items will include:

    • * Review of W1DX contest station capabilities.
    • * Members activities and personal station/ antenna work plans.
    • * Brainstorm next 12 months’ activities
      1. DXpedition(s)
      2. W1DX efforts
      3. License class (should we really spend scarce time on this?)
      4. Field Day
    • * Training talks/tutorials
      1. Station automation
      2. Contesting techniques
      3. Antennas

    Business items will include officers’ reports and the annual meeting and elections.

  2. I’m catching up on my emails and such after getting back from DC. Did elections take place at the meeting?

    Pat, NG1G

  3. G’morning, Pat:
    The only change in the officer slate is that Mike, K1DM, is the new VP.
    73, Ken K3IU

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