Bill Bliss, W1WBB, wanting to improve the contest scores he contributes to the club, is upgrading his wire antennas and has an 88 foot center-fed doublet that needed halyards high up in the trees, so he asked for help. Once again, John, W1XX, (aka RI’s Robin Hood) packed up his trusty bow and arrows and drove across the state to help out a club member. John prefers early mornings for his work to minimize the impact of any breezes that may come up during the day. So at 8:00 on Sunday morning, the 16th of May, John, W1XX, and Ken, K3IU, met Bill at his QTH in Portsmouth to hang another antenna. Bill has many old, tall trees in his yard and he had picked out the two trees he wanted to use for this antenna. He had not, however, expected to have the halyards completely over the top of the trees, and, never having worked with John before, didn’t know that John didn’t shoot arrows half way up a tree. John is an over-the-top kind of guy.

W1WBB supervising whilst W1XX Lines Up The Shot

After extensive technical discussion and debate over a cup of coffee, it was time to proceed. Since Bill had not anticipated that we would shoot the halyard over the tree tops, he hadn’t bought as much of the black halyard as would be needed to get both ends of the antenna up in the air. So, one end is complete and the other end has the messenger line in place, but awaits the arrival of the additional black halyard.

When Bill gets this new antenna up in the air, it will be really up in the air with one end at about 50-55 feet and the other end at about 75-80 feet. He will be able to use this antenna with good results on all bands from 80 through 10 meters. For 160, he still will be using his inverted “L”; that is, unless John and Ken get back over there and help him get a better wire arrangement up for 160.

With this new antenna configuration, Bill, we expect at least a 26.2% increase in your contest scores.

How to create a new post

To save you the trouble of stumbling around finding out how to create a post:

On the home page there is a header area across the top of the page with two columns underneath that, one wide (left) the other narrow (right). The left column holds principal content, the right column is called a sidebar and holds various “widgets” which display, for example, the login entry which changes to loged in status after you login. The sidebar also displays the most recent posts and a tag “cloud” which lists the tags which authors have tagged their posts with.

So login, edit your profile if you like, then when you are returned to the home page direct your attention to the login widget and you will see a welcome call and three choices. Choose “dashboard” and a very busy three column screen will appear. Do not be alarmed. Most of those items may be eliminated if you choose.  In the left sidebar about an inch down is the button called “Posts”. Clicking Posts will offer you the ability to select the Add New screen, which is where you create your posts.

At the top, right under “Add New Post” is a text box containing “Enter title here” which is where Pat entered “No Code CW Contesting”, for example. Put the name you want to call your post in this box then click in the text input box below all the word-processing-like icons. Just type away. If you want to enter a photo look just above the two lines of icons and you will see “Upload/Insert” followed by four icons. The first one will take you to a photo upload screen. Ken, K3IU, is at work determining how best to upload photos, but you should not let that stop you from experimenting.

Down aways is an area titled “Author” with a drop down list box that should be preloaded with your call. If it isn’t then click the down arrow point and select yourself.

Right below that is Publish which contains, among other things, a “Save Draft” button. It’s always a good thing to save your input every so often. The publish button will publish your post, but don’t push it yet. Just below is “Categories”.  Select one of those then drop on down to “Post Tags” and choose an existing tag or create a new one (or several) that best describe what this post is about so others can find it in the future by searching on tags.

Now you can push Publish.

Let the rest of us know how you make out.

No Code CW Contesting

Vibroplex Original DeLuxe dusted off for this post

Yes, you read the title correctly. I don’t know CW, but I have been working CW contests. For those of us who are CW-impaired there is a way to take part in CW contests and still be able to submit pretty respectable scores, all the while working on your DXCC count. Now, I don’t want to give anyone the impression that I think I’m the first person to do this, because I know there are lot of stations out there who use the same basic method I do to send and receive CW during contests and when DXing. I also doubt I’m alone in the ability to work a CW contest despite being CW-handicapped. But I thought I would describe how I do it in case someone else wants to give it a try. There’s more than one way to skin a cat, so I’m sure you can come up with various software/hardware combinations to do the same thing. As it turns out, I can have almost the same point and click experience using CW as I can using RTTY, and that has expanded my station’s capability and the contests I can work by a huge factor, both of which drastically increase the fun factor!

My station setup is very basic. On the hardware side, my contest transciever is a Yaesu FT-2000, and the amp is an Ameritron 811. I use a RIGblaster pro, a vibroplex bug, and of course a computer. Audio from the FT-2000 is fed from the RTTY jack to the RIGblaster, and then out via the RIGblaster’s LINE OUT connection to the computer’s LINE IN connection. The FT-2000 is connected to the computer via a serial port for rig control. The CW keying line is connected from the RIGblaster to the rear CW jack on the FT-2000, and my bug is connected to the front CW key jack. This way I can use either method of sending.

The software is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak. For contest logging, I prefer to use Writelog (WL for short), and as luck would have it WL includes a very capable CW decoder. But that’s just half of the package. With WL I would be restricted to using function keys for preprogrammed messages, but I really like using a mouse to perform as many functions as I can, RTTY-style. So I picked up a neat little program called FKeys (thanks to Rick, KI1G), which allows me to configure it to send the contest info using the mouse instead of the function keys on the keyboard. Now all I have to do is type the call sign of the station I want to work and their exchange, but if I happen to be running in the Assisted category I can use WL’s Bandmap window and it’s almost all point and click after that!

Basically, the functionality of this setup works like this: Using the adjustable IF DSP filter on the FT-2000, I narrow it down to 50 Hz (that’s right, 50). This allows me to isolate the CW signal in the audio going to the software. I have found that the ability to do that is pretty critical to maximizing the CW decoder’s accuracy. The FT-2000 display includes a handy indicator that tells me when I’m zero-beat on a signal, and that is essential to the accuracy of the decoder. The decoder does include a signal display in case your rig doesn’t have that feature. On louder signals I can expand the IF width a little if I want, but in rough or crowded conditions or when receiving weaker signals, the 50 Hz filter works best, so that’s usually where I leave it. If I expand the filter a little, the decoder can also decode signals on either side of the passband’s center, although accuracy can suffer a little. When I tune in a CW signal, the decoder goes to work and displays the text moving from right to left. It takes a little getting used to but it’s easy. I should probably mention that I don’t trust the software implicitly, so I do actually listen to the information being sent. Although like I said I don’t “know” CW, it’s a lot easier to decode it when you already have a good idea of what is being sent. Once I confirm the call sign, if I want to make a contact I just click on the FKey button to send my call. WL allows me to adjust the CW sending speed so I can tailor it to the station I’m working. When the station comes back to me, I click on the exchange button and the rig sends the proper exchange. I enter the info in the log, click on the button to send my report and enter the QSO, and start searching for my next one. There are other cool features too, such as the ability to type text and send on the fly, or type ahead and send later.

A couple of words of caution. WL does not copy “slower speed” CW very well (that is, below about 15-20 WPM), and below a certain threshold it won’t copy at all. When there is a large enough gap between characters the software will insert the letter “E”, I guess because it decodes any static it hears into a “dit”. It does, however, decode CW very well at high speeds, such as one would experience in a contest. For the slow speed operators, I find I can usually decode them on my own. The other thing I’ll mention is that there is obviously a limit to how well it can decode very weak signals, so with those I’m usually on my own too.

One major drawback for some might be that this setup doesn’t work well when running stations. If you get even a couple of stations calling on frequency, the decoder gets confused. For that reason, I limit myself to S&P operation. During the ARRL DX CW contest, I worked 389 Qs in 20.5 hours of leisurely operating time, and wound up with a score of 246,729. Not bad for a guy who doesn’t know CW. But the real proof is in my error rate. I had a 1.5% error rate – that’s 4 calls and 2 exchanges copied incorrectly. I worked every band, 160M to 10M, and even picked up a couple of new countries.

So if you’re not a CW operator, you might want to give this a try. Not only does it work well in a contest but it’s great for DXing, and it’s helping me relearn CW in a way that I find to be a lot more fun.


Pat, NG1G

Antenna Party at N1HRA (Gallery)

I saw it just a minute ago.
Don't anyone let go.
The group confers about that missing nut.
On the way down.

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Antenna Party at N1HRA

On two weekends in November members of CTRICG met to renovate Bill N1HRA’s antenna farm in Ashaway, Rhode Island.

As with any smoothly run project the first thing is to find all the parts required to assemble the antenna.

I saw it just a minute ago.

Perhaps we can just use some extra electrical tape instead.

Outside at last work begins on positioning the giant antenna prior to elevating it to the top of the tower.

Pat thinks the use of extra electical tape does not conform to good engineering practice,

The group confers about that missing nut.

Don’t anyone let go.

The antenna made it with only a few slight bends.

On the way down.