WOW! I say again… WOW!

I was looking forward to this contest and wasn’t disappointed. My BIC time, according to the N1MM Logger calculation was 22h-47m… put in about 4 hours on Friday night, got a full night sleep on Sat night (From what I hear, I guess I missed the exciting mag storm event from the CME a couple days ago .

To the best of my recollection, I heard the following club members at least once… K1NEF, W1WBB, KI1G, and KS1J. Sorry if I forgot anyone, but I don’t take notes during the contest.

I think that this is the personal best score for me in this contest from home. Actually, to NOT coin a phrase, it was like shooting fish in a barrel using the telnet generated bandmap and S&P I was able to keep up a rate greater than 75 for long periods of time. Overall average for my operating time was about 58/hour. I know, I know… why didn’t I spend more time running! Well, I tried Runnin’ & Gunnin’ several times and was never able to get a rate that warranted more, so most of these QSOs were from S&P.

Call: K3IU
Operator(s): K3IU
Station: K3IU

Class: SOAB(A) HP
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    0     0        0
   80:   71    14       45
   40:  180    20       79
   20:  359    35      111
   15:  306    31      115
   10:  328    27      118
Total: 1124   127      468  Total Score = 2,100,945
[I tried putting the HTML Preformatted tags in the above score listing]


Ken Wagner K3IU
Portsmouth, RI


5 comments on “K3IU 2011 CQWW DX CW RESULTS

  1. Ken,

    Nice going. John and I operated from his place using my call. We had a VERY laid back effort. I will post the summary when I get it to open on my computer. We ended just under 900K with somewhere around 800 Q’s.

    I found the same thing you did. We could shoot the fish faster than we could reel them in. I have to learn how to sort the spots by beam heading though. That would save time and wear on the rotor.

    I had a ton of fun on 10 and 40 working all kinds of call signs that I hardly recognized.

    I don’t know how much time we put in, but that’s in the log too.

    73, Mike, K1DM

  2. Call: W1XX
    Op: W1XX

    Class: SOAB HP
    QTH: RI

    Band Qs DX Z
    160 27 15 11
    80 13 11 9
    40 12 4 5
    Totals 52 30 25 Score = 6270

    Club: CTRI Contest Group

    Nice score, Ken!!

  3. I really don’t know how this happened, but when I imported the ADIF file exported from N1MM into WriteLog (I like the reports and graphs that you can generate in WriteLog), the first thing I noticed was that the scores werent the same. N1MM was saying 2,100,945 and WriteLog was saying 2,097,414. A closer look at the summaries revealed that N1MM was saying that on 40 meters, I worked 20 zones; and WriteLog summary showed that I had worked 19 zones on 40. My very first contact on 40 was C4N in Zone 20 and N1MM was correctly showing that as a Multiplier. However, about 1.5 hours later, I worked LZ5N in zone 20. N1MM was saying that this was also a zone multiplier. Hmmm… that can’t be. I opened up the advanced Edit on LZ5N and re-entered 20 into the Zone Field, clicked on Update, and, voila… the score changed to 2,097,414, the same as WriteLog showed.

    I know that this does not make any difference to the score calculated by the contest robot, but it is just a reminder that sometimes it pays to check when they do not look right.

    Sooo… my score summary above should show 19 Zones for 40 meters and a Total score of 2,097,414.

    Ken K3IU

  4. Ken,
    Thanks. I know and used that window, but I didn’t know how to sort it. Pat did that with WriteLog last year, so I knew it was possible.
    73, Mike, K1DM

  5. Mike:
    I actually like the way that WriteLog presents that information better than the method used by N1MM Logger. Maybe that’s because it is what I used first 🙂
    73, Ken K3IU

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