The weekends just keep rolling along. Here is another contest in the CTRI Champions listing.
Please post your results here to keep all the scores in one place.
73, Ken K3iU
The weekends just keep rolling along. Here is another contest in the CTRI Champions listing.
Please post your results here to keep all the scores in one place.
73, Ken K3iU
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Looks like I’m the first to “comment.” I operated SO, Single Band – 15M, HP Assisted. The logger says I had 14h + 15m “on time”. I’m kinda pleased with the results!
Ken K3IU
Call: W1XX
Op: W1XX
Station: W1XX
Class: SOSB/160
Op time (hrs): 12
Band QSOs Mults
160 121 46
Total: 121 x 46 = Total score = 16,698
Club: CTRI Contest Group
I needed a low-key appraoch to this contest so 160 single band was it results in lotsa listening and very low rates most of the time. First night reminded me of the CQ 160 contetst with only the top gun EU stations making it through and many calls to make the Q. Only 50 Qs the first night mostly Caribe. And also like the CQ contest the 2nd night was much better with EU coming through fairly loud by 5 PM. It stayed about the same throughout the evening and didn’t get appreciably better durirng the midnight hours. Gave up at about 1:30 AM which is about an hour early. Operated in short spurts ranging from a few minutes to maybe an hour or so….just to keep the boredom down…but that’s what I was looking for…low key (no pun). It was strange getting out-wise: several times I would beat out the pileup and other times it was a struggle. I called 5N7M in the clear multiuple times and he couldn’t hear me…but he worked some 3s. Interesting a few times when KC1XX and I called at the same time…when I noticed it I would QRX to avoid the confusion…plus he had a better signal than me… did KI1G, I think. We had guests for the weekend…so this operation suited me fine. Next weekend is PHONE CQ 160 which is a lot of fun…even though they should not allow phone on 160! Hope you all had fun. 73!! — John, W1XX
This year for the ARRL DX CW we decided to operate Multi-2 instead off Multi-One for more opportunity for running practice. Competing now with more superstations we knew it would have an effect on where we would end percentile-wise in the final tally. However I think we accomplished our aim. We did end up with a decent score and we did have fun and plenty of running practice despite the lack of sleep and fewer than optimum number of operators. It was apparent as we know that you need to RUN in order to keep the rate up. There were an endless number of 100W stations calling to work you if you could hear them. An important factor for antenna improvements. Op Mike, K1DM, was QSO leader by a small margin. Bill, W1WBB, lead the goup in consistant rates of 120/hour. John, W1AN, enjoyed short bursts of 5 per minute and 180/hour.
N1MM was run on both stations. Station 1 with XP as an operating system worked flawlessly. Station 2 with Win7 seemed to operate better than in the recent RTTY contest. There were some hangups and the keyboard response seemed a little sluggish. This may have been a bad keyboard, so today I replaced it. I may also do a fresh install of N1MM. If we need to revert back to XP on station 2 I will do that as well.
Conditions for the contest were good on average. 160M did not have the activity as last year. Only 36 countries were worked versus 51 last year. Sunday W1WBB reminded us of the fun we had last year adding to the mults on 160. Ten meters was not as good as we had hoped, but more than made up for the loss on 160. Thanks to Mike, K1DM, for helping to get the station ready!

John, W1AN
Station 1
Rig: Elecraft K3, AL1200
20/15/10: KT36XA at 70 feet
160M: 80 Foot T Wire Vertical
80M: 65 Foot Wire vertical with 4 raised radials
Station 2
Rig: FT1000MP, AL1200
20/15/10: CL33 Tribander at 97 feet
40M: XM240 2L Beam at 92 feet
80M: Inverted V
Not a serious effort here, with lots of on and off times, strictly S&P.
160 12 Q 11 M
80 132 Q 53 M
40 197 Q 79 M
20 200 Q 76 M
15 138 Q 73 M
10 44 Q 30 M
Total Q: 723 M: 322
Score: 698,418
Running 756 Pro 3 to AL80A amp
Storm-twisted tribander at 45 ft and dipoles at 40 Ft
Norm W1BYH
What did you guys do, shut off the rigs as soon as I left? Nice score!!
Pat, NG1G
698K points and “not a serious effort”? Don’t untwist the tribander, Norm!
Pat, NG1G
Sorry for the delay in getting this posted.
Started out the contest in great shape but after 30 hours my power supply gave up the farm.
Congrats to all on good scores and hope everyone had some fun.
160 M 87Q 46C
80 M 335Q 74C
40 M 867Q 101C
20 M 679Q 97C
15 M 756Q 106C
10 M 158Q 79C
2882Q 503C = 4,327,812
Hope to be on for WPX SSB.
Rick KI1G