Please post your results here. Don’t forget that the deadline for submitting your log is 2359 UTC November 29, 2013 for the CW contest. That’s 6:59PM (EST) Friday evening the 29th.
When I get all the results from this contest, I’ll put an updated Leaderboard on our web site.
Ken K3IU
Keeper of the Leaderboard.
Guess I’ll be the first to jump into the water. I operated a bit on Saturday from home but went to W1AN early on Sunday morning to help out with the Multi-2 operation there. This is my score from about 7 hours of operating from home. Sunday was FUN! I don’t remember the number but there weren’t too many Qs logged at W1DX on 20 meters when I got there. After making a few Qs on 80, I switched to 20 meters and stayed there the rest of the day until just before I left when I moved to 40 meters since there were few responses to calls on 20. John’s station deserves most of the credit. Using that 4 element 20m monobander at the top of the TALL tower made things relatively easy.
Had fun in this one. Conditions were good. No noise for the whole weekend. The Inv L and 80 meter antennas did a good job. First time I had 160 in two years. It was good for some zone and Carib mults. I didn’t hear EU until Saturday night but made no Q’s. 80 meters was also pretty good at least from my limited antenna perspective.
Tried very limited SO2R using the dipole that James and Bobby help put up. Really used the TS-850 to just tune band and find spot or two. It actually worked pretty good. Murphy struck on my station control box (The Microham uRouter). It lost the WinKey port for some reason so for a few scary minutes I had no CW! I had to go into the router config an delete the non working COM 8 and then build it up again.
Ten meters was good but bands closed to EU earlier than expected on Sunday. It did remain open to Pacific later in evening with good JA connection again.
Plenty of interesting mults from Pacific and Africa.
Not sure if I want to tough another one of these out. But it was fun.
Jim KS1J
This is SOLP AB Assisted. Sorry that part didn’t come over when I copied this. Thanks Ken for formatting.
Station Description:
Antenna(s): Inverted L for 160;
2 Vertical Array for 80
20-15-10 Dipole from Hy Power Antenna
Wow! Great Score, Jim. That beats the highest SOAB LP score on 3830 by abt 2.2M points at 0845 Monday morning.
73, Ken K3IU
Please describe your 2 element 80m array.
Thanks go to the CTRI members who were able to spend time in the chairs this weekend.
We did see a lot of watery and mushy signals on 20M the first day, even on the normally strong signals. This made copy a little difficult so we shifted our attention to 15M, which paid off big. The rest of the time most bands performed well during the usual day/night periods. Sunday, Ken K3IU took the chair with better conditions on 20M and it seemed every other station was waiting for W1DX to show there! Terrific 800+ run Ken!
I prospected for gold each night on 160M for a couple hours to pick up a few. I could have stayed longer but 80M and 40M had better rates. Bill W1WBB stayed alert in the chair for countless hours and put near 900 Qs in the log. Mike K1DM was able to spend some daylight here and added near 600 Qs on 10 and 15M.
Having dedicated operators and how much time you keep the chairs occupied is an important key to big scores. Although we may not make the top 10 list, as we didn’t put in the full 48 hours in both seats, I think we are all happy with the results. It was certainly enjoyable having the gang over.
73, John W1AN
Ditto the WOW!
John, W1AN
Here is what I was able to work from home on Friday and Saturday night. My station worked well, and I was pleased with the response using my inverted Vee antenna for transmitting. I use a pennant antenna (set up for 160) for cutting down the QRN, which works well – it’s just a funny shaped loop.
I was 80-m assisted single op, single transmitter high power.
73, Mike, K1DM
Holy frijoles, Batman! Nice score, Jim!
Pat, NG1G
I have two MFJ 1792 verticals that I phased with a Comtek 2 band unit. I have about 30 radials under each. It seems to work okay and does have directionality especially to EU. However, I have mixed feelings about the arrangement. It is not only limited to 80 but to just the CW portion. Each vertical only has about 80 to 90 khz bandwidth. To move up the band, I have to lower each vertical and shorten one of the top hat radial elements then raise it again. Since this is a pain, I rarely do it and hence my phone totals in CQWW and the ARRL tests often show only a few Q’s on 80.
Jim KS1J