As your contest manager, if no one objects, I will take some space here , more or less weekly, to point out some of the lesser known activities coming up.
This week’s plug:
Makrothen RTTY Distance Contest
This is not some obscure Bulgarian event, but a California-based, relatively young contest with interesting scoring and op time features. I found some decent activity last year. Scoring by distance gained credibility when it was included in the new WW-Digi contest. The broken-up time periods are a help to those of us who don’t have the oomph to last out a 24 much less a 48 hour BIC marathon.
Local times: 8pm Fri–4am Sat, Noon-8pm Sat, 4am-Noon Sun.
Bands: 80 thru 10
Modes: RTTY
Exchange: 4 char. grid
Multipliers: None
Scoring: Work stations once per band. 1 pt per km distance. 1.5x for 40m and 2x for 80m.
Assistance: Allowed, separate categories
I see that last year I secured CTRI a 94th place finish among 109 clubs.
Also up: Oceania DX CW, Scandinavian Activity Contest SSB
There is also the Pennsylvania QSO Party: 1600Z, Oct 12 to 0500Z, Oct 13 and 1300Z-2200Z, Oct 13
There are a lot of hams in PA… Trying to get my FLEX all set up to compete!
Tried the MAKROTHEN (sp?) part time. Wow. Work two or three EU’s and your score is already over a million. Well not quite but the score being based on distance does jump up real fast if you’re working an EU opening. I worked 140 Q’s for a score of 707,723. I’ll put this on my calendar for next year
Good contest, 20m open, other bands closed. Final score: 616,344.
John, K1JSM