CTRI’ers: As many of you know, the W1XX station antennas incurred some serious damage during Blizzard Nemo in February and also during Hurricane Sandy. The biggest loss was my “killer” 40 Meter 2 element Yagi at 100 feet. 1/2 of the reflector sheared off and fell to the ground…plus some other damage to the linear loading. I at first anticipated getting some CTRI assistance to do a fix..Rick KI1G and others offered to help. Upon further reflection however and not to impose too much on the club’s generosity…I pursued a claim on my homeowners insurance for a professional takedown and replacement by XX Towers who did the original tower installation. The estimate has now been approved and I will shortkly be scheduling Matt & Co. to proceed with the take down of the damaged antenna and replacing with with a new one. The end result will be that I will end up with an extra antenna on the ground that can be repaired at low cost (which I will do). Someone in the club may be interested in having a 2-element rotary on 40 meters. If so, this is the ticket. This is a big antenna: www.m2inc.com and find 40M2L antenna. This will be VERY resonably priced. If you think you might be interested, contact my off site at: w1xx at cox dot net. Come some much warmer weather, I would still like to schedule a meeting at my house to hopefully raise by then repaired 80 and 160 (again!) verticals…we just bought a new grill for hotdogs and hamburgers that proved popular at previous work-party meetings. 73!!!
— John, W1XX
This is good news all around. Might you be able to host our May meeting this year? Just trying to think ahead. We’d have a crew, and could get some work done on your antennas.
Mike, K1DM
Glad the insurance solution worked out for you, John. Oh, how I wished that I had suitable space and tower to put up that antenna… but it just ain’t gonna happen here.:-(
73, Ken K3IU
Great news about the insurance covering the replacement antenna, OM! If it’s not a problem, I would love to know when the antenna work is to be done. I’d love to meet Matt and watch him in action. I might learn a few things about tower work, as well. And you know I’m always available for 80/160m antenna work.
73 de KB1LN Bob