Any members doing the cqwpx cw

N3KCJ back in MA for the summer.  I am now an EXTRA class!!

Interested in operating part of the weekend, anyone need  an extra


3 comments on “Any members doing the cqwpx cw

  1. Congrats Foster on the Extra class! Good going! Not sure what people have planned for CQWPX CW. I will probably not be operating due to QRN that has me pretty much off the air. Be sure to drop by our club meetings while you are up here. It would be great to see you and catch up!!

    Jim KS1J

  2. Foster, I can put you to work here. I haven’t heard much much about who is going to be doing what this weekend, but I never turn down operators! Anyone else?
    John, W1AN

  3. Congratulations, Foster! You’ll really appreciate that extra 25kHz when DXing.

    I’m not operating in the contest – I’m going to Vermont to visit my brother and sister-in-law. Have fun!

    Pat, NG1G

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