We always seem to have a good turnout for meetings at my house…so I look forward to seeing many of you again this Saturday, Oct 19. What has become a tradition in recent years to open the fall operating season, is to assist in once again (!) in raising the 160 meter vertical. This meeting is no exception. Please arrive perhaps a 1/2 hour early for this fun activity. We’ll need: 3 crankers, 2 strongmen, at least 2 on the ropes with more better, and 1 yeller (me?). As always I appreciate the help. I’ve spent a lot of hours in prepping the antenna and it should be ready to go…up that is. Bring hardhats if you got ’em.
With the antenna blocking the top of the driveway, parking is somewhat of a problem: along the street, across the street, at the bottom of the driveway but not blocking; if you park on the top 1/2 of the driveway, stay on the hardtop and off the gravel on the side…blocking the driveway there is OK.
Directions: From Rte 1 North…past all Wakefield signs…past Perryville signs…past Moonstone Beach Rd…look for green sign “Shannock Rd Next Right.” 3rd driveway on the left #48 Shannock Rd.
From Rte 1 South, do a turn-around from the left lane at the “Post Rd Perryville” sign just past Green Hill Beach Rd exit…double back ON Rte 1, 1 mi and see above directions.
It’s always helpful in planning refreshments (the usual dogs & burgers) to post your intention to attend. That would be appreciated.
As has been posted earlier, there are important agenda items for the membership to consider. Hope to see you all. 73!
— John, W1XX 401-783-1588 if you get lost.