Help Wanted

FOOD SERVICE.  Temp work available for June 27 – 28 only.  Modest grilling skill a requirement.  Efficient food shopping capability a plus, incl. accident free grocery cart maneuverability. Fully understands that Saugys are the only RI hot dog.  Can brew excellent coffee and pick up DD.  Radio entertainment permitted.  All expenses paid.  Compensation unlikely.  Send brief resume to w1xx [at] cox [dot] net.

Luncheon Success

My early indication that last Saturday’s CTRI luncheon might meet in a phone booth proved unfounded…happy to say.  It was a very FB affair with something like 16 attending….with lots of the usual chatter on contesting, DXing, who worked K1N…all good fun with camaraderie, kibitzing, etc. I did not want to see it go unrecognized, so here’s my unofficial observer report.

Veep K1SD called an impromptu meeting with the highlight being the election of three new members:  Russ, KA1ERL; Bob, WB4SON; Willy, W1LY; all members of the W1AW/1  Team RI.  K1SD is forwarding their e-mail addresses to Sec. W1PN for passwords to the CTRI website.

Great to see CTRI member and our RI Section Manager W1YRC present.

I’d like to offer my accolades to Jim KS1J for his efforts to locate and gather e-mail addresses of past active members that encourage them to rejoin the fray.

Lotsa contests on the horizon….CTRI credited scores big and small welcomed.

73!  — John, W1XX

Nov. 8 Meeting at W1XX

   It was thought that “The Drill” — otherwise known as re-raising a vertical antenna at W1XX — was not needed this season.  The recent “Big Wind” thought otherwise in taking direct aim on the 80 meter vertical.  Last Tuesday with hailstones the size of dimes, thunder, lightning, and gusts over 50 mph bent over the top third of the antenna.  With the W1AW/1 RI operation looming, being without 80 meters would not be good. Please bring hardhat(s).

   Thanks to prez K1DM accepting my plea to change the venue and host the November meeting at my W1XX QTH.  Thus, I am asking if members could show up about a half hour early — around 9:30 — and assist in putting the antenna back vertical.

Refreshments will be provided.  Please reply to this message so we can get a count of those attending.  Thanks as always to CTRI for coming to my antenna rescue.  73!  — John, W1XX



CTRI Meeting Saturday Sep 6 at W1XX QTH

The next CTRI meeting is this Saturday Sep 6 at 10 AM at the W1XX QTH in South Kingstown.  Usually this has meant that antenna work is needed, but so far that is not the case. Agenda:  This is the annual election of officers meeting so attendance is the best means of self protection.  W1AN will probably have an update on the disposition of the KA1GEU estate.

Hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill is the fare.  Parking for several cars at the top of the hill, on the side at the bottom of the driveway (walk up), across from the driveway on Shannock Rd., next to the mailbox, last resort on the hardtop on the upper half of the up-hill driveway.

Please indicate your intended attendance with a comment so we can have a count for refreshments.  Thanks & 73!  — John, W1XX

W1AW/1 Team RI

W1AW/1 in RI:  0000z July 23 – 2359z July 29, 2014

CTRI members have received updates on W1AW/1 Rhode Island at all the recent meetings.  The following CTRI  members have signed up for Team RI: W1WBB, KS1J, KB1RFJ, NG1G, K3IU, K1SD, W1AN, K1DM, KI1G, W1YRC, W1PN, W1XX.  So far we have 18 total Team RI members. Any CTRI’ers who have not as yet signed up (1)  please e-mail to w1xx [at] dxusa [dot] net with your CALL, NAME, E-MAIL ADDRESS, PHONE # (incl area code); (2) go to the website for this operation:  http://w1aw.dxusa.netReview carefully the Schedule and Operating Guidelines on the website.  When the composition of Team RI is completed, you will be sent a password to access the on-line scheduling app.  When?  Soon.  CTRI’ers will be given a scheduling head start as CTRI is the coordinating sponsor via W1XX. However, we found in Connecticut that much of the scheduling is done on the spur of the moment to fill in the many open band-mode slots.

Please feel free to forward this info to anyone who you think might be interested.  Or, send me the call of anyone to whom I could then send the invitation letter. TNX and 73!! — John, W1XX

W1AW/1 Connecticut Success!

Kudos to John W1AN and Mike K1DM for pulling off a hugely successful W1AW/1 operation in Connecticut in the name of the CTRI Contest Group.  As a Rhode Island resident, I am proud that Ocean Staters played a significant role in helping our fellow Nutmeggers put in many operating hours at the W1AN station as W1AW/1.  Every time I was there, so were K1SD, KI1G, and KB1RFJ from Rhode Island.  It was a great warm-up experience for Rhode Island’s first crack at W1AW/1 operation July 23 – 29.

As the coordinator (via CTRI CG) for W1AW/1 Team RI…thanks to W1AN, the on-line scheduling app for RI has already been developed just like Connecticut’s.  Scheduling and operating guidelines will now be tailored for Rhode Island and e-mail solicitations to join Team RI will be forthcoming shortly.  From the CT experience, operating W1AW/1 is a blast!

Thanks Connecticut for paving the way!  73!

John, W1XX


MFJ 259B Analyzer Question

I know several of you also have the MFJ 259B Analyzer.  I have been keeping mine plugged into the charger wall-wart when not in use.  I now find that I get a LOW voltage reading a few seconds after unplugging it.  The voltage is 13+ as long as it is plugged in….but not conducive to field use.  I assume I need new re-chargeable batteries?  Should you leave it plugged in when not in use?  I found if I didn’t, the voltage would read LOW when I went to use it.  What is your experience on how to best have it ready for use?  How long do the batteries continue to take a charge? TNX & 73!

— John, W1XX 

W1AW/KG4 Gitmo

For you W1AW/x chasers, a late announcement from NN1N:  W1AW/KG4, Guantanamo Bay, has been added to the list

of W1AW/x operations.  This operation will take place during the week (UTC) of 26 Feb – 4 March.  Hope you all have worked

W1AW/KH6 this week….they are done at 7 PM local tomorrow Tuesday.  GL!  — John, W1XX



Sad to report that Norman L. Rivers, W1BYH, of Leominster, MA and CTRI member became a silent key yesterday, October 27.

Norm was a high school classmate of mine and was largely responsible for my becoming a radio amateur.  He ran a two-way radio business for his entire professional life. 

Norm was a frequent contributor to CTRI contest scores:  Sweepstakes, RTTY, DX, NEQP.  He was especially an RTTY enthusiast from the days of the Model 15. I operated Class B Field Day with Norm the past three years from his lakeside cabin in Ashburnham, MA.  He was diagnosed with cancer a couple of years ago.

I was advised today by telephone by his son Michael.  Carolyn and I will be attending the calling hours on Wednesday in  Fitchburg, MA.

The key of W1BYH is now silent.

— John, W1XX


Meeting This Saturday Oct 19 at W1XX

We always seem to have a good turnout for meetings at my house…so I look forward to seeing many of you again this Saturday, Oct 19.  What has become a tradition in recent years to open the fall operating season, is to assist in once again (!) in raising the 160 meter vertical.  This meeting is no exception.  Please arrive perhaps a 1/2 hour early for this fun activity.  We’ll need: 3 crankers, 2 strongmen, at least 2 on the ropes with more better, and 1 yeller (me?).  As always I appreciate the help.  I’ve spent a lot of hours in prepping the antenna and it should be ready to go…up that is.  Bring hardhats if you got ’em.

With the antenna blocking the top of the driveway, parking is somewhat of a problem:  along the street, across the street, at the bottom of the driveway but not blocking;  if you park on the top 1/2 of the driveway, stay on the hardtop and off the gravel on the side…blocking the driveway there is OK.

Directions:  From Rte 1 North…past all Wakefield signs…past Perryville signs…past Moonstone Beach Rd…look for green sign “Shannock Rd Next Right.”  3rd driveway on the left #48 Shannock Rd.

From Rte 1 South, do a turn-around from the left lane at the “Post Rd Perryville” sign just past Green Hill Beach Rd exit…double back ON Rte 1, 1 mi and see above directions.

It’s always helpful in planning refreshments (the usual dogs & burgers) to post your intention to attend.  That would be appreciated.  

As has been posted earlier, there are important agenda items for the membership to consider.  Hope to see you all.  73!

— John, W1XX  401-783-1588 if you get lost.  


CTRI Meeting Saturday @ W1XX

The CTRI Meeting this Saturday, August 10 at 10 AM, is ON.  As usual there is a little work-party catch.  But only a little.  I had hoped to have the 160 vertical ready for this meeting with the all hands on deck approach.  But not so.  Instead. only the 80 meter vertical will be ready for hoisting which takes only about 4 people.  So if a few could get here maybe 20 minutes early we can get the job done in jiffy time:  2 crankers, 1 heavy duty lifter preferably tall (hint hint!), and 1 spotter.  Perhaps we can have the September meeting here for the 160 vertical.  Anyway, the NEW 40 M Yagi, and the homebrew 18/24 MHz duobander on the tower may be of some interest to viewers.  On the agenda, I can speak to the W1AW/x centennial operations.

Address:  48 Shannock Road, South Kingstown.  Tel if you get lost:  401-783-1588.  If approaching on  Rte 1 heading North, take the turn-around after Green Hill Beach Rd  exit in the left lane marked:  “Post Rd Perryville.”  Backtrack 1 mile to RIGHT on Shannock Rd.  3rd driveway on left. Heading south on Rte 1 look  for Shannock Rd RIGHT after all Wakefield, Moonstone Bach, and Perryville signs.  3rd driveway on Left.

Antenna will block the top of driveway so limited parking near top, 1/2 way point, on Shannock Rd next to mailboxes and across the road on Shannock Road.

Eats:  usual hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill on the deck. Please respond to this message to indicate that you expect to be coming.  TNX & 73!!

Your host, John, W1XX

EL84 Now on 6

The K4N grid-pedition to rare EL84 is now on 6 meters 50.165.  Location is the Dry Tortugas the western end of the Florida keys approachable only by boat.  They are expected to be on through 10 AM local Monday Jul 15.  I worked ’em this morning with a good signal but in and out.  If you hear Florida stations chances are they will be workable.  GL!  73! — John, W1XX 

40 Meter 2-el Yagi

CTRI’ers:  As many of you know, the W1XX station antennas incurred some serious damage during Blizzard Nemo in February and also during Hurricane Sandy.  The biggest loss was my “killer” 40 Meter 2 element Yagi at 100 feet.  1/2 of the reflector sheared off and fell to the ground…plus some other damage to the linear loading.  I at first anticipated getting some CTRI assistance to do a fix..Rick KI1G and others offered to help.  Upon further reflection however and not to impose too much on the club’s generosity…I pursued a claim on my homeowners insurance for a professional takedown and replacement by XX Towers who did the original tower installation.  The estimate has now been approved and I will shortkly be scheduling Matt & Co. to proceed with the take down of the damaged antenna and replacing with with a new one.  The end result will be that I will end up with an extra antenna on the ground that can be repaired at low cost (which I will do).  Someone in the club may be interested in having a 2-element rotary on 40 meters.  If so, this is the ticket.  This is a big antenna: and find 40M2L antenna.  This will be VERY resonably priced. If you think you might be interested, contact my off site at:  w1xx at cox dot net.  Come some much warmer weather, I would still like to schedule a meeting at my house to hopefully raise by then  repaired 80 and 160 (again!) verticals…we just bought a new grill for hotdogs and hamburgers that proved popular at previous work-party meetings.  73!!!

— John, W1XX  

WANTED: 3-500Z Tubes

I put this on the SwapMeet…but not sure anyone reads that…so this is probably a violation.  Does anyone have a matched pair of 3-500Z amplifier tubes either NEW or USED (but still good)?  If so, please contact me at w1xx [AT] cox [DOT] net or 401-783-1588.  TNX & 73!!


— John, W1XX