Crandall House, Ashaway, RI
Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:13 am by president John W1AN
Members in attendance:
Guests in attendance: Don Watson KW2G
Committee & Officer Reports
Minutes of the previous meeting are on the reflector.
This was the first meeting under the new format of abbreviated business items with the focus to be on a topic or topics of interest with a prepared talk, demonstration, or moderated discussion. John W1XX led a very long and quite enlightening discussion on contesting. He was prepared with examples of operating aids, techniques, operating strategies, etc., which stimulated all in attendance to offer many of their own ideas. It was a rewarding experience for the dozen of us who participated.
At the conclusion a number of members spoke up with ideas for future topics and several volunteered to give talks, demonstrations, etc.
Lunch was served which enhanced the camaraderie and made it possible for the meeting to last longer without hunger hastening adjournment. John, W1AN provided most of the fixings for lunch this time. It is hoped that others will step forward to handle this for future meetings.
All seemed to feel that this was a very good meeting format and that we got more out of it than was the case with the previous approach. It was noted, however, that we still have to conduct some ‘business’. A process for handling that is being developed so all who wish to may be involved, while preserving most of the meeting time to topics which advance the art or are for the good of the order.
Meeting adjourned at about 1:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ed Haskell, W1PN, Secretary