Minutes of July 24, 2010

Crandall House, Ashaway, RI

Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:25 am by president John W1AN

Members present: K3IU, W1AN, W1XX, N1HRA, NG1G, W1PN

This was a Boxboro planning meeting. The usual order of business was suspended by acclimation. The minutes are being published very early as they contain information of importance about the convention. There will also be several emails from various attendees over the next several days that members should note well, so keep an eye on the reflector mailings.


In two past meetings there have been informal discussions about the club sponsoring a commemorative radio telegraph key as a door prize at the Convention Contesting Dinner on Friday evening. A half dozen or so members have said they were willing to contribute to this prize. Please contact Pat NG1G asap with your plans so a determination may be made whether to continue with this idea.

The decision last meeting not to do the raffle was raised for reconsideration and no voices were heard in favor of changing that decision. There will be no raffle.

This leads to the question, then, of the need to have and man a booth in the vendors’ hall this year. Pat NG1G will inform the convention manager that we will operate from our “booth” in the flea market and will not require space inside.

The raffle decision requires us to find a way to make up the revenue loss. It is important that all of us go through our shacks and set aside items for the flea market. Our presence there will be much more prominent than in past years. We have five spaces reserved, will have a covered area, a banner across the front, the remaining equipment from Ernie’s estate, a number of high value items, etc. The more the better. The club asks for a contribution of ten percent, or more, for handling the sale of flea market items. Look for special emails about this subject.

There will be a checklist of food items needed for the hospitality room. Please sign up. It will be on the yahoo group site.

John, W1AN, is planning to order hats in time for the convention. Watch the reflector traffic for details.

A work schedule for members will be prepared in advance of the convention.

We will probably hold an informal meeting close to the Convention start date to make sure everything is handled. Bill N1HRA volunteered a pool party. More information as it develops.

Old Business

There was one quick item of old business. Last month there was a motion that the executive committee review plaques and recommend how to continue. There is a recommendation on the reflector.

Meeting adjourned at about 2:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ed Haskell, W1PN, Secretary