Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:15 am by president John W1AN
W1XX hosted meeting and cooked lunch
Committee & Officer Reports
Contest Manager
Championship Standing
Remarkable reversal since last report:
HiPwr 1st place , K3IU 4.4M 2nd place W1AN 3.8M
LoPwr 1st place W1WBB 2.3M, 2nd place KS1J 2.1M
QRP 1st place W1IG 231K
What a fleeting thing is fame.
W1AN has arranged rooms as described last meeting.
“W1AN reserved two poolside rooms at Boxboro convention hotel as no suites were available. One could be used for sleeping and one as a hospitality room if hotel will make furniture alterations. A total of six or seven people could sleep in the two rooms.”NG1G has been attempting to contact Mike Raisbeck without success to determine whether our services are needed. (Secy note: A week later at the Division Managers cabinet meeting Mike said volunteer help was well in hand.)”
W1PN will supply a booth tent.
Power by generator as convention hookup is too expensive.
It would be useful if members would list their swapmeet equipment on the website.
A work schedule for members will be prepared in advance of the convention.
Old Business
Last meeting it was decided “Contingent upon finding a volunteer to handle the raffle that no more than $300 from the treasury be allocated to raffle items. No member came forward so the raffle will not be held.
New Business
Moved (W1XX/NG1G) that executive committee review plaques and recommend how to continue.