logs due reminder//upcoming events

Happy New Year!

Just a reminder that logs for last month’s ARRL 10 Meter Contest are due to ARRL NLT Jan 10.  This event was marked by outstanding participation by CTRI CG and most members who were active have already submitted their logs.  For the few who may have been active that weekend but have yet to submit, there is still time!  ARRL is just a few logs shy of 5000 for the event…and every point helps the overall CTRI club score.

…and logs for the ARRL 160 M Contest are due NLT 1600Z Tuesday Jan 3!!

Good luck to those participating in ARRL RTTY Roundup this weekend — the first significant contest of the New Year!  The contest calender is very busy for the next few months with a big contest just about each weekend…check out the convenient calendar link at the top of the webpage for general dates.

The following two weekends after RTTY Roundup will have the North American QSO Party CW, then Phone.  These events are excellent for accumulating needed U.S. states on all the HF bands 10-160m.  The exchange is simple too — name & state!  This event is only 12 hours long too (max 10 hrs for single-ops).  We may put teams together for these events if there is interest (teams consist of max. 5 single-op **UNassisted ops**only).

ARRL’s January VHF Sweeps coincides with the NAQP SSB during the 3rd weekend in January for the VHF’ers among us.

Hope to see you in the contests.

73  –  Bill  W1WBB


One comment on “logs due reminder//upcoming events

  1. Thanks for the reminder, Bill! We certainly have a lot of great contests coming up in the next 5 months.

    In case folks haven’t noticed, I put some of the more popular contests in the events calendar on this web site, which have links to more information about the contest. Bruce Horn, WA7BNM has a great contesting web site that contains information and links for pretty much every contest.

    In the past we’ve entered teams in the NAQP contests. I think it makes it more fun, as you get to work toward not only your individual score but the team’s as well. Maybe we could mention it again the week before the contest, and one of us can send in the teams to the ARRL.

    Pat, NG1G

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