2013 Meeting Schedule

Keeping in mind that everything is subject to change, the following is a list of dates for meetings this wonderful year of 2013. The Calendar on the web site has been updated to reflect these dates. Note that there are no meetings scheduled for July or December. All meetings except the March luncheon are scheduled to be at Crandall House in Ashaway, RI.

February	23 Feb      Location to be determined will post on web site
March		23 Mar	    Annual Luncheon Meeting
April		13 Apr
May		11 May
June		15 Jun
July		No Meeting
August		10 Aug
September	07 Sep
October		05 Oct
November	09 Nov
December	No Meeting    Happy Holidays!!!

5 comments on “2013 Meeting Schedule

  1. Thank you for posting this, Ken, and thank you to whoever did the research to come up with the schedule (you, perhaps?). I know it is time consuming to check the contesting calendar to find “good” Saturdays for a meeting, and then have them work with the Crandall House’s schedule. I am curious – is the reason we haven’t a meeting scheduled for February or July because of unavailability of the Crandall House? I realize a February meeting would be somewhat short notice at this point but if the membership wanted one perhaps we could find another venue. I for one would be interested in in-person “reports” of the WPX RTTY contest from the NP3U team and the W1AN team, as well as reports of our members’ single-op efforts. The 23rd of February is “available” from a contest perspective, since the CQ 160M SSB contest won’t have much going on from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, and the NAQP RTTY starts at 1:00 pm local. Just a suggestion.

    For July, I think we have plenty of time to find another venue, unless there’s some other reason for not holding a meeting that month.

    Just thought I would throw those ideas out there to see what folks think.

    Pat, NG1G

  2. Hi Pat:

    The dates were more or less mutually agreed upon between Mike, Bill and I. The absence of a meeting this month and in July is not because of Crandall House scheduling conflicts. Actually I’m not sure that these dates have yet been sent to Kim, the keeper of the C House schedule. We had originally had a July meeting scheduled for the 6th, but then decided that since that would probably be a “Long” weekend with the holiday being on Thursday, many folks bailing out on Friday for the long weekend, and maybe we should have a mid-summer vacation.

    I expect to hear more back from Mike soon. He is on his way to FL right now. Having a meeting on the 23rd of this month is, of course, not out of the question.

    73, Ken K3iU

  3. I guess I concur with Pat….a February meeting would be nice, especially to hear first hand the NP3U story. Otherwise a long break between meetings. The 23rd would work though I may nod off occasionally as I do expect to make some noise in the CQWW 160 SSB contest which of course means significant nighttime operating. …whatever. Out!

    — John, W1XX

  4. If we have this much interest in having a meeting on 2/23, then I think we should. That will also be the weekend after the ARRL DX CW contest so there may be some results available from that. I will edit the original posting to include a meeting on the 23rd.

    73, Ken K3IU

  5. Hello Gents, I finally found this web site and the meeting calendar. Just as I was making plans to attend the Feb 23 meeting, I got a request to fill in a VE test session for a group here in my area of Warwick. I will not be able to atend this month’s meeting, but sure would love to hear about the RTTY ‘test. I plan to attend the annual luncheon, though, especially since it’s very close to my QTH. I have invited another ham VE that I know, Tim KT1M, to attend a meeting and possibly join the group. We’ll see if he’s interested.
    73 & CUL de KB1LN Bob

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