Would anyone happen to have a trap from a HyGain TH-6DXX tri-band beam that I could talk you out of? I need one of the “clear” plastic spacers inside the trap. Each trap contains 4 of these spacers, and I have managed to lose one for the antenna I am rehabilitating. Since this antenna is no longer in production, it may be difficult to purchase a replacement.
The TH-7 DX may have the identical spacers, but I haven’t taken apart a trap for that antenna to check.
If you have one, please let me know, or you can bring it to the meeting on Saturday, and we can negotiate.
Thanks, 73, Mike, K1DM
I won’t be at the meeting, but if no one has one drop me an email or call, I’ll mail it to you
Radio Ansonia
Thanks. I will let you know what I find out after the meeting. It turns out the TH7 traps have exactly the same plastic spacers.
73, Mike, K1DM