Minutes of Members Meeting – 15 April 2017

We had a most excellent meeting here on April 15th.  In attendance were: K1SD, K1FUG,W1AN, W1XX, K1DM, KE1J, KS1J and new member K1PAM (ROB). Present in spirit were KB1RFJ and Pat NG1G. K1PAM was introduced around and immediately granted membership by unanimous vote.

The treasurer KB1RFJ Mike couldn’t make it but did report that the only expenditure was $50 for the NEQP plaque that the club sponsors. A full written report will be delivered at our next meeting! Lars, KE1J gave a quick update on the YCCC 40th Anniversary meeting he attended. (A few of the CTRI brethren also have memberships with YCCC). The history of the YCCC was relived by K1ZM and a number of other original members.

An update on the club call KE1S was provided b y KS1J. Log for the  CQ WPX SSB contest was posted to LOTW. KS1J reported that a few paper QSL cards have been processed. John provided KS1J with another 100 or so CTRI CONTEST GROUP QSL’s.  Jim also mentioned that we have a balance at the W1 QSL Bureau of about $20 which should last us for some time.

K1SD James our Contest Manger reported that club call KE1S was activated at the shack of W1AN with KB1RFJ at the helm as a single-op. Mike put in a great score for the 14 hours he was able to operate. Great going Mike. And looking on the 3830 site we also see Andy KA1VMG contributing to the overall club effort. James reminded all that a  couple of great contests were coming up: New England QSO Party (5/6 -5/7); CQ WPX CW (end of May). Of these, the most important to CTRI is the NEQP. John W1XX accepted the plaque that we won for last year’s effort as top club in NE but the score was pitiful. We need a great turnout by all club members to make certain we hold onto that title. While on the subject John W1XX mentioned the Duke County (MV) effort from last year. John said that K1KI had indicated that a local on MV may be active so this year John and K1XA may go with a multi-single at John’s QTH. John also mentioned that his 160 meter antenna got bent again. And he would be scheduling yet another antenna party to get it unbent. Speaking of antenna parties, we all know that Mike KB1RFJ has top priority and when he is ready to go he will let us all know.

James finished his report  with a reminder that those interested in the now concluded NPOTA effort should check our QRZ info on K1NPS. James is the trustee of that special call and has posted great photos and info on that page. The guys who activated the various location logged 1045 Q’s. Check it out!!

Field Day

John W1XX wanted to assess club interest in this year’s field day. It was enthusiastically endorsed by all present and John accepted the position as FD czar again. John mentioned that Jim Crawford of the Skyscrapers actually inquired if we wanted to use that great location again. He has been very accommodating and it has been a great relationship that we have established. Thank to Ed for helping to set this up. John said that we would probably operate 2 transmitters but again if we have many hands to help the setup and tear down won’t be a big effort. We will use the mega wire antenna again up in the 80’ trees. Activity won’t be too great on 10 and 15 but the tribander will be used to help rake in what Q’s we can get on those bands. We started talking about GOTA and bonus point opportunities. KC1FTO Molly is looking forward to participating again and Mike K1DM suggested that maybe we look at an EME setup! EME might pique the interest of the astronomy club members and maybe we can get some on the path to ham radio. It was offered that N1EYE might be enlisted for advice on this. Another bonus point idea was the use of solar panel power. John W1AN has one. During the discussion W1XX said that we need to set a date for the field clearing. Still a bit too early. Other ideas were discussed including Lars KE1J mentioning that he had a SpiderBeam mast (maybe 32’?) that could be used. We have a couple of more meetings prior to FD to iron out the details.

While we were discussing FD, Mike K1DM said he would take care of renewing our insurance and would forward the info he had onto the club treasurer KB1RFJ for payment.

Now John W1XX introduced a fun component in the meeting. He passed around slips of paper to all present and then gave us all a trivia quiz.

Submitted by Jim Setzler, K1SD, Secretary