club member contest claimed scores reporting *update*

As the club’s newly designated ‘Contest Manager’ I wanted to let folks know that Ken K3IU (also our new club V.P.!) has kindly volunteered to take over the maintenance of the CTRI intra-club Champions scoreboard from John W1XX, commencing immediately.  Thanks much John for providing your many updates of member’s scores over the last few contest seasons.  And thanks Ken for your help.

The scoreboard is now updated per Ken’s earlier post of today.  Club members are **highly encouraged** to submit their claimed scores for any of the designated contests VIA THIS WEBSITE as the **preferred method**, using the ‘Create a Post’ button at the top of the main page.  Please make sure your full operating category also appears in your post (esp. indicating HP, LP or QRP power levels) so your score can  be properly credited.   And don’t forget to submit your score to the contest sponsor by the deadline!  (note: the trend is now for shorter deadlines, ie. ARRL Sweepstakes, CQWW SSB/CW and CQ WPX).

I also encourage you to provide your comments regarding your particular contest experience as part of your Post…others members enjoy and can really benefit from your observations.

By the way, a much less preferred method for members score submittal (but available alternative) is to submit directly to Ken at his e-mail address:   I suggest this route as only a last resort.

Any score, large or small, is welcome!  It’s nice to see contest activity from members, no matter how much time/effort could be put in during any particular event.

Below the ‘content’ area of your Post in the ‘Post Tags’ area (when creating your Post), members may want to enter the words ‘contest results’ so their claimed score info will also be available for history purposes in the Contest Results subforum.

So, the ARRL 160m contest starts this Friday eve @ 2200Z, going to 1600Z Sunday A.M. (exclusively on CW)…word is that a certain South County RI station with a recently repaired tall vertical is planning a strong effort.  Any others??

I hope most folks have plans to support the club effort the following weekend in getting active in some form or another for the ARRL 10 Meter Contest.  With the expected great propagation, choice of SSB, CW or Mixed Modes, large amount of available frequency space and growing interest in contesting in general, this event could be one for the ages!

Good luck and hope to see you in the contests.


Bill  W1WBB / CTRI CG Contest Manager