Crandall House, Ashaway, RI
Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:15 am by president John W1AN
Members in attendance: NG1G, N1SXL, KA1BNO, NR1H, W1WBB, KA1GEU, KW2G, W1XX, K3IU, W1AN, W1PN
Guests in attendance:
Dan KA1KNO will bring food for the February meeting. John W1AN will bring coffee.
Committee & Officer Reports
Secretary, Ed Haskell W1PN
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as corrected (Food for November was provided by Jim KS1J and Jeff K1NEF). Moved by NG1G/Seconded by K3IU
Treasurer, Dan Roy KA1BNO
Plaques for the following contests were paid for per SOP: ARRL DX PL #181; ARRL RTTY RoundUp #31; November SS #104.
Moved (K3IU) and Seconded (N1SXL) that club spend $65 for CQ WW WPX RTTY. Passed
Note: If a club member is qualified to a plaque that has gone unsponsored the club will pay for that paque.
Current balance in the treasury is $882.11.
Report accepted (NG1G/N1SXL)
Education Committee
There will be an upcoming Technician class. An outline is in development, complicated slightly by the impending change in the question pool (June).
NG1G reviewing what we have done in the past will reach out to other New England clubs for participation this year. It will be attempted to reserve Suite 114 again.
WiWBB will work on logo suitable for hats, jackets, t-shirts, etc.
Dean has located lodging. Several members present expressed a strong interest in going (W1AN, W1XX, N1SXL).
Business Meeting adjourned at 12:06pm
Dean, N1SXL, gave a really nice multimedia presentation on the N1MM Contest Logger program. A CD containing presentation notes, a copy of the program, etc., was handed out to those desiring one.
Meeting adjourned at about 1:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Ed Haskell, W1PN, Secretary
These minutes appear here in seemingly random order. That is because the function that produces this list of posts displays them in reverse chronological order. Under normal circumstances that is what is desired. In this particular case I put all the old minutes in as I found time and didn’t worry about the order in which I created them, thus the odd order of displaying them. Usually, better be always, I will do new minutes in the order that the meeting occur and then the posts will appear on here as desired.
This same anomaly may manifest itself if the other officers put their old reports on here without worrying about the order in which they enter them.