NG1G added a comment in reply to Yankee Steam Up.
From the email I received today from the New England Wireless and Steam Museum:
"Due to inclement weather
Steam Up has been postponed to
Saturday, October 17, 2015
The Original
Saturday, October 17th, 2015 • 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Admission: $15 – $7 students • Plenty of free parking • Refreshments available
Pat, NG1G
From: James Setzler []
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 5:47 PM
To: ‘Ken K3IU’; ‘Bill Bliss W1WBB’; ‘Bob Beatty WB4SON’; ‘Bob Beaudet W1YRC’; ‘CTRI Reflector’; ‘CTRI Web Post (WA1RR)’; ‘Daniel Severance’; ‘Ed Haskell’; ‘Jim Bowman’; ‘John King’; ‘John Lindholm’; ‘JOHN MILLS K1JSM’; ‘’; ‘John Spigel W1AN’; ‘Chuck Newman, KA1CQR’; ‘KB1LN’; ‘KI1G Rick’; ‘Mike McKaughan K1DM’; ‘Mike Visich KB1RFJ’; ‘Pat Atwood NG1G’; ‘’
Subject: RE: Yankee Steam Up
You’re right. Looks like they’ve changed the date in the last day or so. Weather concerns maybe?
I’ll try and call them and post any new information.
73 James K1SD
From: Ken K3IU [mailto:kenk3iu]
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 4:15 PM
To: James Setzler; Bill Bliss W1WBB; Bob Beatty WB4SON; Bob Beaudet W1YRC; CTRI Reflector; CTRI Web Post (WA1RR); Daniel Severance; Ed Haskell; Jim Bowman; John King; John Lindholm; JOHN MILLS K1JSM; ko1h; John Spigel W1AN; Chuck Newman, KA1CQR; KB1LN; KI1G Rick; Mike McKaughan K1DM; Mike Visich KB1RFJ; Pat Atwood NG1G; w1ly
Subject: Re: Yankee Steam Up
Interesting, but this is shown on their web site. Note the date. Wonder which one is correct?????

73, Ken K3iU
On 9/29/2015 9:59 PM, James Setzler wrote:
This is a pretty cool event. Hope to see many there.
73 James K1SD
H: 401.884.2654
C: 401.225.7303
The New England Wireless and Steam Museum 
1300 Frenchtown Road
East Greenwich, RI 02818 USA
Telephone: 401-885-0545
Frederick Jaggi, President