2011 CQWW CW – W1WBB

With such good conditions on the upper bands I gave the new Hexbeam a pretty good workout.    Running SOLP(A) my goal was to go for the mults, turning the N1MM ‘available mults’ window from green to red, then blue…then repeat on next best band.  Great choices abounded during daytime on either 20, 15 or 10m!  Allowed me to also better track beam’s effectiveness to various regions around the globe.  Ran a little Sunday when mults thinned/rate slowed.

Was fun and relaxed, and I was quite pleased to break many pile-ups early by moving up or down just a bit from the spotted frequency, esp. on Sunday when competing vs. fewer big-guns.  Sunday morning brought huge signals on 15m and I ran up my QSO total there.  Agree with Jim KS1J that 10m propagation was very good but not quite the same as during CQWW SSB…BTW, *amazing* QSO totals for Jim again in this contest – 2000+ with, I assume, LP!

Heard K1DM snag 8Q7DV on Sunday, who was too weak with too big a pile to likely work here at the time.  I did get more Africans in the log but was disappointed with the propagation to JA/SW Asia.  Only 1 JA worked but 3 from KH2/KH0 – strange.

No big operating for ARRL 160m here this coming weekend.  Will save time for the ARRL 10m event the following weekend…hope many from CTRI plan activity for that one.

What are the plans at W1AN/W1DX for ARRL 10m Contest John?

73,  Bill  W1WBB


CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: W1WBB
Operator(s): W1WBB
Station: W1WBB

Class: SOAB(A) LP
Operating Time (hrs):

Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
160:   19     7       10
80:   59    12       45
40:  214    19       75
20:  157    31      101
15:  163    26      109
10:  128    28      105
Total:  740   123      445  Total Score = 1,160,424

Club: CT RI Contest Group


The new Hexbeam worked great on the high bands!

Strategy was to go DXing, using N1MM Logger ‘available mults’ to clear out
unworked zones and countries as best as possible, exercising patience as an LP
stn but knowing when to skip the major pile-ups for later.  Then, repeat on
next band with highest available mult count.  Great results on 10/15/20m,
working DXCC+ on each.

CQ’d a bit Sunday afternoon/eve when point/click rate was slow and few workable
‘available’ mults.  Less than 10% of QSOs made running.  Found a few good mults
late that were not posted while I searched in-between callsigns on bandmap
going ‘old-school’ – turning the dial!

Good fun with great participation from around the radio globe.  Thanks for the
Q’s, and esp. to the many DXpeditions and big sig M-Op stns for getting on.

Log will be uploaded to LoTW.

W1WBB 2011 CQ WPX CW + LoTW active!

Yes…now active on LoTW here!  Hooray!!  Have BEGUN to upload older contest logs as time permits.

As for this year’s CQ WPX CW contest I had VERY little op-time available…and only later on in evenings due to family visiting all weekend.  Checked the WPX website Searchable Score Database for my planned op category “All Years” W1-area high score, set a goal and used it for motivation…it worked!  Had fun just operating on 40m with my nighttime limitation as SOLP(A) 40m (Triband/Wires).

A post-Memorial Day “Thank You” to all our Veterans…I enjoyed spending Sunday with family at Battleship Cove, Fall River, MA.

            CQWW WPX Contest, CW

Call: W1WBB
Operator(s): W1WBB
Station: W1WBB

Class: SO(A)SB40(TS) LP
Operating Time (hrs): 7.5

Band  QSOs
   40:  280
Total:  280  Prefixes = 234  Total Score = 224,406

Club: CT RI Contest Group


Very little time to participate…operated a few hours Friday and Saturday
evenings on 40m when I was able but even partially missed prime hours into
Europe.  Only a handful of QSOs Sunday.  Pretty good condx observed on 40m.

All contest Q’s will be now be uploaded to LoTW!

Station: Icom 737 into 88′ doublet up at 45′ broadside to Eu; N1MM logger

73,  Bill  W1WBB

W1WBB NEQP update


Outstanding to see the total club claimed scores now at well north of 1 Meg.  A few of us have already submitted our scores electronically.  There is a “logs received” area at the NEQP website (click on “results” tab; then click on “logs received”) to verify your log indeed arrived.

Congrats to Jeff K1NEF who I heard on CW numerous times running stations very impressively, as well as Chris KA1GEU doing the same on SSB…great job guys.

…and Jack K2RS (aka KR1CW) — your wires were singing too.

Sorry to John ‘XX — reversed my 75m phone freqs and missed you.  Thanks for the many Q’s and motivation to stay in the chair.

Worked W1AN in the last minute Saturday night on CW;  found K1DM and W1FH on CW in last minutes Sunday eve…good timing fellas.

INCREDIBLE to see Rick’s (KI1G) score around *100k pts more* than the previous NEQP all-time HP record…and Jim KS1J in the vicinity of the LP record.  Amazing ops/stns/efforts!

It was fun to be a part of a great team effort for NEQP 2011.  Now time to ensure your log is properly received.

Correction to my CW QSO count provided in my original 3838 claimed score post…final total points remain correct:

New England QSO Party

Call: W1WBB
Operator(s): W1WBB
Station: W1WBB

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: NEWport cty, RI
Operating Time (hrs): 18.5

Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
80:     99        1
40:    230       88
20:    220       37
15:     48        2
10:      2        2
Total:    599      130  Mults = 74  Total Score = 98,198

Club: CT RI Contest Group


Propagation conditions for high bands seemed somewhat below average for recent
months during the solar cycle upswing for my modest LP/wires station…my SSB
totals particularly show the story.  40m and 80m were relatively QRN quiet for
this time of year, especially Sunday.

S&P’d more on Saturday to work the 7QP and INQP folks who would not be around
on Sunday.  Exchanged 45+ serial #’s with ARI participants during weekend.
Worked 43 US states, 6 VE provinces and 25 DX.

Put in alot of chair-time along with many fellow CT/RI CG members in hopes of
establishing new club record score.

Thanks to all the in-region , out-of-region and DX participation this year.

Bill  W1WBB

best place/method to post upcoming mbr contest scores on new website??

With migration occuring more and more from the old yahoo site to this one, I’m curious where our site administrators (Ed W1PN and Ken K3IU) feel club members should post their future contest scores on this new site.  It would be nice for all members to have a consistent location/method here to do this from the start…and to more easily allow for data transfer to the intra-club competition scoreboard.

I, for one, am still feeling my way around this site.  I do notice a sub-forum under the “Contesting” forum titled “Contest Results” (the last of 5 categories) but I don’t think that most accurately reflects what we want to do…a category such as “claimed contest scores” would seem better.  

If a consensus suggestion materializes soon a few of us could try posting our claimed scores from this weekend’s Florida QSO Party here on the new site via the recommended method.  Member thoughts/ideas??

…And the New England QSO Party is just a week away!!

73,  Bill  W1WBB




NEQP Plaque received

The CTRI CG – sponsored NEQP plaque for high score RI Single-Op Low Power arrived today at the W1WBB QTH…it’s a *beautiful* piece of heavy-duty hardware that will be proudly displayed in the shack.

Many, many thanks to the club membership for sponsoring this award.  I certainly had fun earning it!  And a little luck, too…as John, W1XX, won as QRP New England high score from his WAS RI location — congrats John!

“One million points or bust” in less than 2 weeks for the 2011 NEQP. 

73 and Good Contesting,

Bill  W1WBB