CQ WW Digi Contest

Whether or not you’re a fan of the new digi modes, here’s an opportunity to be in on the first running of a new contest that seems to be hoping to join the CQ WW family. I’m hoping to make some Q’s in this, probably as a QRP entry. It’s 1200-1200Z Sat-Sun , FT4 and FT8, and you will want the latest version of WSJT-X with “NA VHF contest” selected as the contest mode, so that your exchange will be your grid square. QSO points are based on distance calculated from the grid, rather than continents. Get your call in the record book! Rules here– https://ww-digi.com/rules.htm

Dave K1SX

Summary of Aug. 24, 2019 Meeting

Members present: K1HSY, K1PAM, AA1AC, W1WBB, NG1M, W1AN, K1PAD, K1ECU, K1JSM, W1XX (in the chair).
Treasurer NG1M reported on the club’s financial status. Contest Manager K1ECU reported on past and upcoming contests. CTRI members have been active in recent contests and the next bigee is Sept. 28 — the CQ WW RTTY.
NG1Mike’s status report of the “scholarship” committee (W1AN, K1DM, NG1M) drew lots of discussion. Boiled down to deciding whether to offer $1000 every year or every-other-year; recipient be General Class a minimum or not; resident of New England or not. The residency filter of New England-only apparently resulted in no scholarship being offered. From the discussion, NG1M indicated he would check with ARRL to see if New England could simply be a priority not an exclusion. The matter not having been finalized, was therefore held over to the next meeting.
K1PAD provided a verbal status report of the so called Endgame Committee ( K1PAD, NG1M, NG1G) to fashion in the Constitution and By-Laws how to deal with any future dissolution of the club’s assets should that ever become necessary. The immediate results is — TNX to K1JSM and K1PAD — the posting of the Constitution and By-Laws on the website. See “Documents” on the pull-down menu. The Committee’s effort continues.
With much of the focus centering on finances, two other matters surfaced: dues and club monies spent on coffee/donuts. Dues discussion was tabled for a future meeting. To significantly reduce expenditures on coffee/donuts, a new system was VOTED. K1HSY has volunteered (as he has right along) to pick up the donuts/coffee. At the meeting previous, Dean will collect $2.00 from each member to cover the cost for the next meeting. Any shortfall will be covered by the club.
The meeting concluded on a happy note (you mean it wasn’t happy earlier?) as W1XX presented his “Ham Radio Current Events Trivia Quiz” consisting of 25 questions. Subjects ranged from Marlon Brando, WRTC 2018, Amelia Earhart, beer, FT8, and the purchase of Greenland. In a photo finish, Mark (AA1AC) edged out Bill (W1WBB) 19 to 18 to win an “ARRL Antenna Handbook.” Everyone else was left in the dust.
Next meeting = Sept 21 same place, same time.
Respectfully submitted, John, W1XX

Members Meeting, Sat Aug 24th

CTRI Contest Group holds its next meeting on Saturday, Aug 24, at 0900 at the North Kingstown (Wickford) Free Library, 100 Boone Street, NK, 02852.

Agenda: Regular business meeting, reports from committees, and SURPRISE PRESENTATION by John, W1XX

All guests welcome. You don’t want to miss this.

Summary of July 2019 CTRI Meeting

Present: AA1AC, Chris (son of AA1AC), AJ1DM, K1HSY, AB1BX, KS1J, KE1J, K3IU, W1AN, K1DM, K1PAD, NG1M, K1SX, K1PAM, W1XX (in the chair).
NG1M presented the Treasurer’s report.
In lieu of the Contest Manager’s report, individual reflections were heard re the IARU HF Championship, CQ VHF Contest, and the IOTA contest in progress.
Field Day chairman W1XX made a lengthy report on Field Day results…everything from bonus points to feed line loss shortcomings on the 40/20 wire Yagi. Highlights focused on our initial use of FT8 on VHF (TNX K1SX) and super effort on satellites (TNX K1ECU) with seven (7) linear/FM QSOs in the log. W1XX recommended that prior to any future FD effort that (1) a new site be considered; and (2) if not, no further effort be expended to curtail the growth of brush in the “back 40” be attempted…i.e. no used as an antenna site.W1XX emphasized the need (a must) for new, younger, and fresh outlook for chairman for any future FDs.
Expressing disappointment over the lack of a successful candidate for our ARRL Foundation scholarship…being the sense of the meeting…the president appointed a committee to NG1M, K1DM, and W1AN to study the issue with recommendations to be presented at a future meeting.
To address a long standing issue of how to protect club assets in the event of a future dissolution of the club…should that ever become necessary …it again being the sense of the meeting…El Presidante appointed a committee of NG1M, K1PAD, and NG1G to review the club’s Constitution and Bylaws and report any suggested amendments at a future meeting. This charge includes any and all manner of addressing the objective.
Welcome to John, AJ1DM, of Westerly who was voted into membership.
Respectfully submitted,
John, W1XX

2019 CQWW VHF Contest Results

Call/Station/Op: W1XX
Class: SOAB HP
Op Time (hrs): 9

Band QSOs Grids
6 397 126
2 29 13
Total: 426 139 Total Score = 63,245

Club: CTRI Contest Group


Surprise…surprise. Classic CW/SSB is alive and well on 6 meters. Didn’t expect to do much in the CQ WW VHF Contest this weekend, but was pleasantly surprised. Had a few station issues in the first hour, but once we cleared out the cobwebs, it was GO. Had to open up a run frequency above 50.200 it was so busy. Worked a handful of DM grids which was nice. Time was limited on Sunday by prior family stuff, but got back on in the last hour which was gangbusters. Several rovers with outstanding signals called in on 6 meters. 2 meters suffered from the max activity on 6. Only CTRI’er I heard was K1SX who beat me out calling somebody. Lotsa fun!

Last Minute FD Details

Weather looks good for Field Day. We start at 9:00 AM tomorrow Saturday when we need mucho help for setup — especially the 40M/20M wire Yagi antenna. If convenient bring along: keyers, headsets, adapters, coax jumpers (marked with your callsign) just in case we are short something.

We have been asked by Skyscrapers to park cars near the street in the SW corner of the open field. They anticipate some public star gazing on Saturday night.

If you haven’t advised NG1Mike about your presence for meals, please do so. See separate posting regarding meals and bringing food items.

See my earlier posting that has all the essential; details. Good luck and have fun ! !

Satellite Station

The satellite station is coming together nicely. My first attempts at a “minimum viable configuration” proved adequate, but still posed the problem of signals going from full-quieting to pure noise as the satellites tumble through the sky and the antenna polarization changes. Today I assembled more parts from John (W1AN) soldered up a couple of cables, and put the 2m elements of my two portable Arrow antennas together in an attempt to make a circular-polarized yagi. It seems to be working (SWR under 1.5), although I have no idea about the polarization. I’ll have a better idea as I try it out over the next few days. Ahhh, summer!

I did make one contact on FO-29 today, which is a linear satellite with 2m uplink and 70cm downlink. I was transmitting on the crossed arrows and received a 59 from AB1OC in Hollis, NH. I met him at Boxboro last Fall where he was demonstrating the latest version of his satellite station. You can read all about it at https://stationproject.blog/.


Field Day Menu UPDATE


Attached is an updated Field Day Menu & who’s attending.

Made a few changes – please make sure the menu reflects when you’ll attend & what you’ll be bringing.

Best way to get ahold of me is email at visich4zoo@nullgmail.com

Hope to see everyone Saturday!

thx & 73,



CTRI Field Day 2019

CTRI Field Day 2019
By John Lindholm, W1XX

When: Saturday/Sunday – June 22 – 23. All hands on deck at 9 AM Saturday.
Note: FD is NOT the last weekend. Field Day is always held on the 4th weekend in June.

Where: Seagrave Memorial Observatory, 47 Peeptoad Road, North Scituate, RI 02857

This year marks the 5th year that CTRI operates Field Day on an annual basis at the Seagrave Memorial Observatory in North Scituate. We are indebted to Skyscrapers who have continued to ask us back.

Having developed this operation as pretty much a routine drill, we have not needed to over-plan it as in recent years. Everyone just pitches in as before. But we welcome first-timers.

A couple of things have been worked on diligently behind the scenes in preparation. TNX to W1AN and K1ECU, we expect to have a viable satellite station effort. TNX to W1AN and K1SX, we will have a viable FT8 6-meter operation. TNX to the efforts of K1HSY, K1DM, K1JSM, one will find the so called “back 40” area – home to the 40/20 mega wire antenna – cleared out of brush to a far greater degree than in previous years, making antenna installation far easier than in previous years.

Let’s touch on the particulars:
Call: KE1S
Category: 2A This means we are in the 2 transmitter class with 2 HF stations – usually one on CW and one on SSB @ 100 watts with set up of radios/computers by W1AN with K3IU. Plus we will have a “free” 6-meter station on SSB/FT8 with K1SX overseeing operation. Plus a satellite station with K1ECU in charge.
Antennas: 4-el 20M/2-el 40M wire beam; 20/15/10 “Folding Antennas” Hex-beam; 80M dipole; 6M Moxon; Satellite antenna.
Power: Honda 2000 generator with NG1M in charge; Solar panel by K1DM.
Commissary Duties: NG1M chief cook and bottle washer. See separate posting on human fueling.
Safety Officer: K1HSY.
Philosophy of operation: We strike a balance between striving for a high contest score utilizing our best operators while giving everyone the opportunity to operate regardless of skill and experience level. Split earphones capability with a second op monitoring has also proved helpful. FD Chairman W1XX posts a clipboard operating schedule. We welcome everyone’s participation however they may contribute. It takes many hands to set up as well as take down – an issue respected by all in previous years.
Time: Some may have family obligations that cut into their time to give. We can live with that. Do what you can. Overnight ops are usually sparse. We’re indoors so if you can stay overnight, bring a cot/sleeping-bag. Want to invite some other hams? By all means!
Field Day has proven to be the premier operating event of the year for CTRI. We’ll see everyone at 9 AM sharp Saturday, June 22.

“CQ Field Day.”

Field Day Menu

We need help if you want fuel up on Field Day. The boxes in bright yellow are unfilled and needed. Please contact Mike Visich, NG1M, at visich4zoo@nullgmail.com or (401) 782-6536‬.

Click on the image to see expanded & readable copy.


Meeting Notice: Saturday June 8 at 0900

CTRI holds its June meeting this coming Saturday, June 8, at 0900 at the North Kingstown (Wickford) Free Library, 100 Boone Street, NK 02852.
The business agenda will be an abbreviated session to deal only with the upcoming Field Day. K1SX, K1ECU, and W1AN will be reporting on their extensive FD prep work on FT8 and satellite comms.
Our special guest presenter is Jeff Jolie, NM1Y, on his exploits as an operator on the Navassa, K1N, and ill-fated Bouvet, 3Y0Z, DXpeditions. We’ve invited the BVARC and Newport clubs to join us. All guests welcome. You don’t want to miss this.