Anybody else play in this one?

Call: W1DX
Operator(s): W1AN
Station: W1AN

Class: SO(A)AB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 9.7

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    2     2        2
   80:   82    12       40
   40:   93    19       49
   20:   66    21       51
   15:  141    26       73
   10:  188    24       99
Total:  572   104      314  Total Score = 658,350

Club: CT RI Contest Group

Sunspots have awakened. Need to put more time in the chair! Getting ready took more time than expected. PC’s didn’t want to cooperate. Right click wouldn’t work on one and N1MM refused to update on the other with blue screen 5 minutes before start. Never have seen that before. At last minute all went OK and flawless for remaining time. I guess the mice finally left for quieter places and more wires to chew.
See you in the CQWW-CW.
73, John W1AN

2022 New England QSO Party Results

2022 New England QSO Party

Call: W1DX/M
Operator(s): W1XX W1AN K1XA
Station: W1DX

Class: M/S Mobile LP
Operating Time (hrs): 8.0

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
   40:    350        
   20:    400        
Total:    750       0  Mults = 55  Total Score = 82,500

Club: CT RI Contest Group

Planning included strategically picking locations on or very near state and
county lines for swift rover changes. This year we used a new antenna that could
be mounted in a few minutes on or off the rear ball hitch. One man could raise easily
to over 20 feet for 40 and 20M. Might try 80M next year.

In SUFMA we were not sent packing as we were last year by the BPD from the
streets of Boston. This year we set up adjacent to a quiet cemetery. We stayed
on CW with headsets so as not to disturb the neighbors and them not us.

Our K3 was powered off a marine type of battery with a solid state booster that
allowed us the many hours of run time independent of the vehicle. Sadly this was
limiting as near the end voltage dropped below the critical 9 volts losing us 45
minutes of operating time. The final planned stop in NEWRI then had to be
aborted without ability to plug direct to the vehicle. Lesson learned.

Good pizza and beverage at W1XX ended our long day Sunday.

W1AJT from 10 Counties
OM2VL, K4PS, AA5JF from 8 Counties
DX   26


73, John W1AN


ARRL DX CW Contest Result

This year I decided that since I can’t stay awake at the key like I used to, I would just work as a single op/single band (one that is not very active when the sun goes down) entry. I chose 15 meters and put in about 9 hours BIC time. I decided to bail out just after I came across a big pile up with NH2DX at the bottom. When he wasn’t getting clobbered by the pileup he was fairly strong and readable. With a bit of luck I was able to wiggle around the pile with my calls for about 5 minutes until I snagged him.

Here is my result…

Call: K3IU
Operator(s): K3IU
Station: K3IU
Class: SOSB15 HP
Operating Time (hrs): 9
Band QSOs Mults
15: 266 73
Total: 266 73 Total Score 58,254

Club: CT RI Contest Group


I spent about 3-4 hours on Saturday at W1AN (KE1S) and made about a hundred Qs there and then from home on Sunday I put in about 5 hours before the Super Bowl began. I worked several club members, but when I tried to work NG1Mike something was distorting the signals and I don’t know if I worked him or not, but nonetheless it was good to hear Mike in the mix with his new amplifier!

Here is my summary… Off to shovel some snow…

Ken K3IU

Call: K3IU
Operator(s): K3IU
Station: K3IU

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 5.8


       Band     QSOs     Pts  WPX  Pt/Q
         3.5      18      40   17   2.2
           7      43     104   33   2.4
          14      57     141   48   2.5
          21      79     186   64   2.4
          28      20      49   19   2.5
       Total     217     520  181   2.4

            Score : 94,120 

2022 CQWW 160m CW

CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW – 2022

Call: W1WBB
Operator(s): W1WBB
Station: W1WBB

Class: Single Op Assisted LP
Operating Time (hrs): 16.5

Total: QSOs = 587 State/Prov = 54 Countries = 29 Total Score = 133,630

Club: CT RI Contest Group

I was a lonely RI mult in this great Topband contest during the big blizzard of ’22. No club members heard nor worked other than Don (WA1BXY) from Tiverton RI as NC1CC, who operated sparingly in HP category. Only logged K1MD and WA1LAD as additional Ocean Staters. And our RI Topband ‘beacon by the beach’ W1XX (and 160m vertical ‘Big Bertha’, undergoing repair) was certainly missed. Not even PRC’s W1OP station from the big hill above Providence was active. No W1AN/W1DX logged either!? I hope you all safely weathered the Bomb Cyclone/nor’easter ‘Kenan’ that hammered us this past weekend!

There was a very nice opening to Eu the 1st night lasting just more than an hour where I worked 16 Eu stations, one every 4.5 mins — really fun with 100 watts! A total of 27 Eu were worked that entire night, but just one on Night 2 with that path all but shut for us LP guys.

Got a bonus Sunday morning just 4 mins before our sunrise when I worked a fairly strong KH7A for my last of 29 DX entities in the contest.

I’m excited to see my DXCC count of 29 in the contest (per 3830scores.com) is only currently exceeded by just *three* other USA/VE Low Power (Assisted & Unassisted) ops: KD4D at superstation W3LPL, VE3JM (phased 160m verts) and WO1N (YCCC/160m guy N. of Boston). Perhaps fortuitous ‘spotlight’ propagation here, the snow on the ground assisting low angle radiation and some luck too…but my Inv L w/ elevated radials worked pretty well for DX on 160m this past weekend!

The SSB portion of this CQWW 160m Contest runs in about 2 weeks.

73, Bill W1WBB

2022 ARRL RTTY Results

                    ARRL RTTY Roundup - 2022

Call: W1AN
Operator(s): W1AN
Station: W1AN

Class: SO(A) RTTY HP
Operating Time (hrs): 3.5

 Band  RTTY Qs
   80:    37        
   40:   115        
   20:    70        
   15:     8        
Total:   230       State/Prov = 41  Countries = 42  Total Score = 19,090

Club: CT RI Contest Group

A few intermittent hours of fun. Since its been a while and now on different PC it took a while to figure out all the settings with MMTTY, 2Tone in N1MM. Almost all there. but still some config issues.Did work NG1M Mike. Hope we get a few more posts.
73, John W1AN

Stew Perry Dec 18 2021

Stew Perry Topband Challenge - Dec 18

Call: W1AN
Operator(s): W1AN
Station: W1AN

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 4.3

Total:  QSOs = 225  Total Score = 701

Club: CT RI Contest Group

A few hours of fun. Best dx is two 16 pointers. Thanks to W1WBB and the group for posting the special test. Only a few EU in the log.
73, John W1AN

2021 ARRL 10M Results

2021 ARRL 10-Meter Contest 

Call: W1AN
Operator(s): W1AN
Station: W1AN

Class: SO CW HP
Operating Time (hrs): ~6

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW:  341    45
Total:  341    45  Total Score = 61,380

Club: CT RI Contest Group

Very intermittent operation and having no internet spots I could have missed
some E openings. Had fair run 2200-2400Z on the 11th. Not much DX but did pick
up a ZL Saturday and before/between football games Sunday a strong FR with a few

It must be noted of the 341 Qs reported, 75 were FL. Wow.

Internet outage fixed here after 2 1/2 weeks. Apologies to users of the W1DX
packet cluster for that loss. Frontier Communications has in-house issues.
73, John W1AN

2021 ARRL 160 Contest Results

ARRL 160-Meter Contest - 2021

Call: W1DX
Operator(s): K1DM W1XX W1AN
Station: W1AN

Class: M/S HP
Operating Time (hrs): 

Total:  QSOs = 884  Sections = 73  Countries = 34  Total Score = 206,510

Club: CT RI Contest Group

We missed several 6 sections, AK, NT, NE and NNY. No EU runs. Noise on 2nd day thru Saturday eve. Lost internet days ago so no W1DX packet cluster available to outside. But was able to use cell service for RBN which worked well. Activity seemed down and no runs to EU.

Nice to have John W1XX and Mike K1DM over.
73. John W1AN


It was really good to hear all the signals on 15 and 10. I was able to play for about 7 hours but stayed on 20, 15, and 10 since I was hearing signals from places I haven’t heard in quite a while; and my low wire for 40 and 80 really doesn’t play that well. No runnin’ n gunnin’ here… all S&P.
Only other member I heard was KS1J.

73, Ken K3IU

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW - 2021

Call: K3IU
Operator(s): K3IU
Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 7.0

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
   20:   89    13       41
   15:  194    20       67
   10:   14     5        7
Total:  297    38      115  Total Score = 130,662