Minutes of March 21, 2009

Minute for Meeting March 21, 2009

Crandall House, Hopkinton RI

Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:10 am by President John W1AN.

Committee Reports


The minutes were read and accepted with minor changes.


The Treasurer indicated a balance of $1182.11 in the treasury. Income was $185.00 for the Post Holiday Party reservations. Disbursements were $574.01 for Gregg’s Restaurant and the Post Holiday Party, $60 for Single Op RI CQ WPX plaque, $50 for a donation to the American Heart Association in memory of Ernie Piche N1SW, $100 for a donation to the ARRL Education Fund in memory of Ernie Piche N1SW. The report was unanimously accepted.


John W1AN mentioned that it would be good to bring in new members. The group commented that new members would help to add to the fun, add points for contesting and add to our antenna crew.


Ken K3IU gave a thorough report on the CQWW WPX RTTY operation at NP3U. Additional comments were made by John W1AN. The claimed score was 10,418,000 for the M2 operation with John W1AN, Ken K3IU, Bill N1HRA, Jay AJ1M, Carlos WP4U and Carlos WP4N as operators.

New Business

Intraclub Contest

Dean N1SXL made a motion which was amended and seconded to have the Intraclub Contest Committee meet and put together a proposal for the May meeting to make the K1GOX DX Marathon the group’s Intraclub competition. There was extensive discussion in favor. Chuck KA1CQR discussed the existing rules and indicated that it should be a simple process to adapt the scoring program to changes contemplated. There was disappointment from members that there had been no action by the Intraclub competition committee.

Field Day

The topic of Field Day was brought up. Member expressed great interest in participation, but there was little interest in manning a committee to make it happen. It was decided by consensus that if there were insufficient volunteers to chair and take operations responsibility we would pass on this year’s field day. Bill N1HRA will start the paperwork to reserve Crandall field in April once we are confident we can adequately manage the operation. John W1AN agreed to solicit for the major responsibilities on yahoo groups. The decision point on this is early to mid-April so if you are interesting in volunteering for one of the required tasks please don’t wait.

N1SW call

Bill N1HRA asked if the group was interested in getting Ernie Pichies N1SW call for the club. He indicated that Ernie’s family would need to approve, and Ed K5RJI offered to prepare the paperwork. The group agreed unanimously that this should be pursued.


It was mentioned that John KO1H needs some antenna work done.

Pat NG1G gave an update on the activity to inventory Ernie’s radio equipment. He indicated that a basic inventory will be presented to Amy, Ernie’s daughter with some options on how the equipment could be sold. The family will make the final decision. It was again stated that this was not a CTRI group function.

It was mentioned that a contesting operations discussion was to follow the meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:15.

Respectfully submitted.

Ed Haskell, K5RJI
