ARRL RTTY Round-Up this weekend @ W1AN


John and I got a good start this morning on getting things straightened up for the contest.  I am planning on arriving tomorrow around 11:00 to 11:30 so we can finish up a few things I didn’t get done.  John said an hour to hour and a half before start time (1300 EST) would be good.  I have a case of bottled water here that I will put in the van in the morning (it will freeze overnight) so we will have that.  Anything else you would like for snacks is fine.  There is no need to bring equipment, unless you want to bring headphones.  I usually take a pair with me.  Otherwise, we have 3 K3’s at Johns right now, at least 3 RTTY Meisters, and antennas for two stations.  You will be welcome to spend as much time operating as you like.  I can’t commit to the entire weekend, or overnight, but I will put time in both days.

If anyone else in the club would like to participate, please stop by.  We are planning on running one station for the contest, so the second station will be available for anyone who wants to join the fun.  I’d request you send an e-mail to John, W1AN, if you plan on dropping in.  That’s just so we can keep track.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.  Work whichever club members you hear.  We need the points and the practice.

73, Mike, K1DM

4 comments on “ARRL RTTY Round-Up this weekend @ W1AN

  1. I will be active from Radio Ansonia on both days. I hope to see you on the air.

    Radio Ansonia

  2. N1HRA will be active along with KB1LCQ running his own rig (10M Only)If you hear club members in running mode SPOT them often if your running assisted. Good Luck to all and see you at the meeting.


  3. Me and my K3 will be at QTH of N1HRA on Sat. I will probably leave the K3 there for the remainder of the contest so Bill and Jay can become more familiar with it before arriving in PR.

    Don’t forget… 4 weeks from this coming Tuesday most of us will be getting on a big bird and flying to PR.

    73, Ken K3IU

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