CW Open

A fun CW event with three independent 4-hour competitions.

When: Sept 4 (Tonight) 8-midnite, Sat. 8-noon and 4-8pm
Bands: 160-10
Exchange: SN + Name. SN’s are per session
Scoring: Work stations per band, 1 pt per quo
Mults: Unique calls per band (NOT S/P/C’s)


CQ WW VHF Contest

Hi all,
This VHF contest had a lot of activity last year, and it was across all the modes, not just digi. Be sure to use the latest WSJT-x version, 2.2.0 or higher, and set VHF Contest Mode. Try FT4 mode on 50.318 during strong openings.

Local time: 2pm Sat–5pm Sun
Bands: 6m, 2m
Modes: all legal
Exchange: 4 character grid
Scoring: Work stations once per band. 1 pt 6m, 2 pts 2m
Mults: Grids per band
Assistance: Allowed for all, except no self-spotting

2020 IARU HF Contest

I spent a bit of time (4.1 hrs) in this contest as SOAB HP CW only. It is almost a no-brainer contest where you can work anybody on any band. Of course no band dupes allowed. What made it even more fun was that the bands were open! My 80/40 dipole(MFJ special) that I strung up was not very high and didn’t work too well at all. Hope others in the club got into the mix. Here are my results. I have not discovered a way in this form to change the text to a fixed pitch font so that it is more easily readable.[7/17/20 – and I was just reminded how to save preformatting using pre and /pre. The mind is a terrible thing to lose]

        Band      Mode    QSOs     Pts  ITU  HQ   Pt/Q
         3.5        CW       8      16    3    0   2.0
           7        CW      40      84    8   16   2.1
          14        CW      72     218   13   21   3.0
          21        CW      63     179    9   14   2.8
          28        CW      21      55    4   11   2.6
       Total               204     552   37   62   2.7

            Score : 54,648
              Rig : Elecraft K3s+KPA500 amp

73, Ken K3IU

ARRL June VHF Contest today-tomorrow and Results

Last minute reminder. There have been some excellent 6 meter openings to Europe already this month, including this morning. It may be mostly an FT8 affair, or it may not. Last year’s CQ VHF contest in July had a good mix of modes.
There is a new 2.2.0 release of WSJT-x with amazing decoding ability. I’ve had over 30 decodes on 6m from Europe in a single cycle, and I have only a mini antenna.
Look for FT4 on 50.318 for faster action when there are strong signals.
I don’t have any other bands so I can’t comment on how to operate there!

Local: 2pm Sat. to 11pm Sun.
Modes: anything legal
Exchange: 4 char. grid square (FN31 or FN41 for most of us)
Scoring: Work once per band. 1 pt 6 & 2 , More points for higher frequencies
Mults: Grids per band

CTRI Contest Group members’ individual FD 2020 plans??

Greetings All –

Hope you have been able to stay safe/stay well during the pandemic. Field Day is just two weeks away and it will be quite different of course this year. Wanted to encourage folks to be radio-active in some fashion for FD during the 24 hours of Sat/Sun June 27/28 1800Z-1800Z (2pm-2pm local).

I plan on activating the home station, but utilizing emergency power (Class 1E) for the first time from here. In addition, I hope to mentor a less experienced contester from our club… and get them ‘running’ with N1MM+ Logger while using the new technology of the Icom IC-7300 radio — and overall, just having FUN!
A mix of CW (2 pts/Q) and SSB (1pt/Q) modes is planned.
Both 10m and 15m came alive somewhat during the recent CQWW WPX contest so we’ll hope for more of that 27 days following (when solar conditions often repeat). And don’t forget E-skip season on 6m either.

Would be interested in knowing of others FD plans as well!

When submitting your score/info to ARRL (typically via their on-line applet) members should be consistent with inclusion of our exact club name to ensure credit [ CTRI Contest Group ].

RE: ARRL and Contest info/results — they just revamped their Contests Portal Page, so check it out…

Good luck to all in your Field Day 2020 individual efforts … and hope to C U on the bands.

73, Bill W1WBB
AI1TT Trustee, “Aquidneck Island Transmitting Team”

Minutes of Member’s Meeting – Nov 9, 2019

The monthly meeting of the CTRI Contest Group was held at the North Kingstown Free Library in idyllic Wickford, RI on Saturday, 9 November 2019. Club president Charlie, K1ECU, called the meeting to order at approximately 0915. NOTE: The Secretary neglected to type up these minutes immediately after the meeting, and with the holidays he forgot about them until just before the January meeting. As a result, these minutes depend on the Secretary’s ability to read his notes without benefit of recollection.

In attendance were:
Pat, NG1G; Rick, K1PAD; Lars, KE1J; Tim, KC1AYQ;
Mike, NG1M; Ken, K3IU; Dean, K1HSY; John, W1XX;
Matt, WE1H; Chris, WB2VVV; Charlie, K1ECU; Andy, AB1BX;
John, W1AN; John, K1JSM; Jim, KS1J; Jim, K1IR

Donuts and coffee were provided by NG1G. K1ECU volunteered to bring them to the next meeting. Remember that New Year’s resolution you made about losing those extra pounds? You can start up again on Sunday.

Club President Charlie, K1ECU opened the meeting with an appeal for contributions. While the club’s bank account has a significant balance, as Treasurer Mike, NG1M has shown, it won’t last long given our spend rate.

K1ECU also talked about having a few breakfast meetings, and some locations were thrown around. More to come.

Some members experienced an Error 500 on the club’s web site, which, according to John, K1JSM, indicates a server error. To the Secretary’s best recollection, the issue has either been resolved or we need to wait to see if it happens again.

Club Secretary Pat, NG1G read the minutes from the 19 October meeting.

NG1M reported that the club’s bank account balance is $8,475.00. He presented a budget plan, which and discussion focused on the club’s liability insurance through the ARRL and if we still need it. Tim, KC1AYQ recommended that we review the coverage. NG1M reported that the annual premium is $200, which the Secretary recalls is paid by Mike, K1DM and reimbursed by the club. K1ECU recommended putting the information on the web site for members to ignore. K1DM agreed to send the policy info to K1ECU, who will post it. NG1M will send K1ECU the budget spreadsheet for posting to the web site as well. As of the writing of these minutes, those do not appear to have happened yet.

The Secretary notes that there are numerous excellent posts on the web site regarding recent contests, and several posts by Chris, WB2VVV, including details of a 160M antenna that is worth studying. He even included a drawing!

Jim, KS1J attempted to begin a discussion of income planning, but was immediately shot down (in a gentlemanly manner) by K1ECU, as Jim, K1IR was ready to give his presentation.

K1IR gave an excellent presentation on tower safety, something none of us should take for granted. His analytical approach is very difficult to argue with, especially since his assumptions are fairly conservative. KC1AYQ recommended that the club have a safety officer, who can provide a safety checklist and proper training for those of us involved in tower activities. KS1J asked K1IR about sources for safety harnesses, and K1IR said they are tough to find. NG1G volunteered to be the club’s safety POC should we decide to get more involved (the Secretary would like to point out that this is NOT the same thing as a safety officer, which no doubt includes responsibilities NG1G would refuse to have levied upon him). K1IR said that RI Section Manager Bob, W1YRC, is in the loop on this safety initiative.

K1ECU tabled further financial discussions until next meeting, and said we would be reviewing the club’s constitution as well. He advised all members to read it, and noted that it is posted on the web site.

We finally had the raffle for the 24th edition of the ARRL Antenna Book graciously donated by Rick, K1PAD. John, W1XX, who may very well have written the first edition in 1939, won the book. Congratulations, John!

The meeting was adjourned, but at what time is lost to the Secretary’s spotty memory. Respectfully submitted,
Pat, NG1G
CTRI CG secretary

2020 CQ WPX CW Results

Just dabbled a bit here with about 5 hours of BIC time. Much too nice weather to stay inside.
CQWW WPX Contest, CW – 2020

Call: K3IU
Operator(s): K3IU
Station: K3IU

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 5:00

Band QSOs
160: 0
80: 5
40: 26
20: 65
15: 69
10: 42
Total: 207 Prefixes = 153 Total Score = 51,408

Club: CT RI Contest Group

FD 2020 Rule Changes

From the ARRL:
With one month to go before 2020 ARRL Field Day, June 27 – 28, the ARRL Programs and Services Committee (PSC) has adopted two temporary rule waivers for the event:

1) For Field Day 2020 only, Class D stations may work all other Field Day stations, including other Class D stations, for points.

Field Day rule 4.6 defines Class D stations as “Home stations,” including stations operating from permanent or licensed station locations using commercial power. Class D stations ordinarily may only count contacts made with Class A, B, C, E, and F Field Day stations, but the temporary rule waiver for 2020 allows Class D stations to count contacts with other Class D stations for QSO credit.

2) In addition, for 2020 only, an aggregate club score will be published, which will be the sum of all individual entries indicating a specific club (similar to the aggregate score totals used in ARRL affiliated club competitions).

Ordinarily, club names are only published in the results for Class A and Class F entries, but the temporary rule waiver for 2020 allows participants from any Class to optionally include a single club name with their submitted results following Field Day.

For example, if Podunk Hollow Radio Club members Becky, W1BXY, and Hiram, W1AW, both participate in 2020 Field Day — Hiram from his Class D home station, and Becky from her Class C mobile station — both can include the radio club’s name when reporting their individual results. The published results listing will include individual scores for Hiram and Becky, plus a combined score for all entries identified as Podunk Hollow Radio Club.

The temporary rule waivers were adopted by the PSC on May 27, 2020.

CQ WPX CW this weekend

Don’t forget to get on in the big work-everyone event. I’ve often missed it because of Memorial Day weekend trips, but this year, no camping.

Time: 48 hours UTC (SO max 36 hours)
Bands: 160-10
Exchange: RST + SN
Scoring: 3 points non NA. 2 pts NA non-US. 2x this for 160-40. Not that 15-10 have been good for much lately. 1 point US regardless of band.
Mults: Prefixes, once only

Hope to work some members!

Dave K1SX



80 100
40 241
14 171

Total 512

Signals on 20 meters were weak but lots of west coast.
40 was great for me. In USA only missed NV NM HI ND.
Worked k1ecu, k1sx, nc1cc,ai1tt and wixx. Good fun

NEQP Results

I guess I will start this off. As I write there was a cluster of CTRI members in the LP category, just below the YCCC posters 🙂 Notably AB1BX with a ibg CW total from his wire antennas!

80 cw 32 4
40 cw 56 22
20 cw 99 26
20 ssb 2  2
15 cw 1  0  (AK1W, having no luck either afaik)
Total 190--50--18950
3:40 op time

Genesis SDR twith homebrew sspa brick, maybe 60w, except 10w on 80m Doublet at 50 ft.
Picking up the mic got me only comments on the bad audio. Will figure that out another day. But lots of running fun. Probably the best rates I ever had in any contest. A good contribution from dxcc mults also. I did remember to get on 80 at the end and besides NY and NJ, OM2VL called in to my 10w cq. AB1BX, AI1TT, NC1CC in log at least — Dave K1SX

New England QSO Party 2020 – this weekend May 2-3!

Hello All –

Hoping many CTRI CG members will get radio-active from the home QTH this weekend (while staying safe from the COVID-19 virus!) in the annual NEQP. Our group typically puts forth a significant effort each year in this fun event where us W1’s (and K1’s, NG1’s, KE1’s etc!) are the hunted.

A refresher on the rules can be found at:

Of note, NO restrictions on operators going “Assisted” and using spotting networks; NO mode categories (so break out the mics for more QSOs/mults you CW ops), though CW/Digital contacts count double vs. SSB; and EACH new DXCC entity worked is a separate multiplier, along with each state and VE province/territory. Hint: DX can be found during the ARI Int’l DX contest on CW, SSB and RTTY (1200Z Sat – 1200Z Sun)…just add a serial number to your exchange.

Activity in the State QSO Parties this year has been record-breaking so expect lots of QSOs to be had, especially during Saturday while we have the overlapping 7th Call Area QP, Indiana QP and Delaware QP going on. In addition, the inaugural State QSO Party competition ( has added many additional ops who will be searching for us New Englanders!

For N1MM Logger users (within New England) you can use **just one log** [“NEWE” found within State QSO Party area when selecting a new log]* while working ops in each of the four QP’s going on during the weekend…EASY!!

A predicted low K-Index for much of the weekend (and lack of any expected regional thunderstorms) bodes well for us operators. Hope many of you can make plans for some operating time once NEQP gets underway Saturday at 4pm local time (2000Z) ’til 1am, then Sunday 9am ’til 8pm (1300Z-2400Z). Look forward to working lots of club members this weekend!

Take care/stay safe/good luck/have fun… 73, Bill W1WBB (chief op at AI1TT, for NEQP)

FQP Results



65–30–3900, actually 7800.    2h45m op time.  60 watts to doublet at 50 ft.

Well, I take back what I said about good propagation, and I see also I had the mults incorrect also, of course it is once per mode, not per band.  In any case, it was a 2 band activity.  Saturday I got beat out a lot even running 60 watts or so.  However, with patience I worked a lot of weak stations.  I never found N4V. (but who was looking?)  After posting my score to 3830, I realized I didn’t multiply my score by 2 for being LP.    I think Andy BX also forgot this bonus.   So we were lower down than we needed to be 🙂  Fun anyway.  I heard only W1WBB among members. — Dave