Minutes of May 8, 2010

Crandall House, Ashaway, RI

Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:25 am by president John W1AN

Members in attendance: NG1G, KA1GEU, KA1VMG, K1DM, KS1J, W1XX, W1AN, W1PN

Committee & Officer Reports

Contest Manager

Championship Standing

HiPwr 1st place W1AN 3.8M , 2nd place K3IU 3.7M

LoPwr 1st place KS1J 1.7M, 2nd place W1WBB 1.5M

QRP 1st place W1IG 92K

The NEQP had pretty good club participation but needs more next year. This report started a ragchew about “just wait ’till next year ….”


There was a wide ranging discussion of whether and how to manage the swap meet.

W1AN reserved two poolside rooms at Boxboro convention hotel as no suites were available. One could be used for sleeping and one as a hospitality room if hotel will make furniture alterations. A total of six or seven people could sleep in the two rooms.

Jim KS1J posed the question: “Should the club expend so much effort, either for our own benefit (hospitality suite, info table, raffle sales) or for the convention’s (parking direction, etc.).” After some discussion it seemed to be th consensus that we should.

Pat NG1G commented that the convention gets smaller every biennial and through it all CTRI CG has participated more than any other organization. We should continue.

W1AN will converse with hotel about arranging facilities in the rooms.

NG1G will coordinate volunteers

Moved (W1XX/K1DM) Contingent upon finding a volunteer to handle the raffle that no more than $300 from the treasury be allocated to raffle items. Passed without dissent.

Other topics

No word on a club logo update.

A committee was formed (NG1G, K1DM, W1AN) to study the desirability of a club station at the US Coast Guard Academy or other venue and report at a future meeting.

Meeting adjourned at about 1:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ed Haskell, W1PN, Secretary

Minutes of December 5, 2009

Crandall House, Ashaway, RI

Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:13 am by president John W1AN

Members in attendance:

Guests in attendance: Don Watson KW2G

Committee & Officer Reports


Minutes of the previous meeting are on the reflector.


This was the first meeting under the new format of abbreviated business items with the focus to be on a topic or topics of interest with a prepared talk, demonstration, or moderated discussion. John W1XX led a very long and quite enlightening discussion on contesting. He was prepared with examples of operating aids, techniques, operating strategies, etc., which stimulated all in attendance to offer many of their own ideas. It was a rewarding experience for the dozen of us who participated.

At the conclusion a number of members spoke up with ideas for future topics and several volunteered to give talks, demonstrations, etc.

Lunch was served which enhanced the camaraderie and made it possible for the meeting to last longer without hunger hastening adjournment. John, W1AN provided most of the fixings for lunch this time. It is hoped that others will step forward to handle this for future meetings.

All seemed to feel that this was a very good meeting format and that we got more out of it than was the case with the previous approach. It was noted, however, that we still have to conduct some ‘business’. A process for handling that is being developed so all who wish to may be involved, while preserving most of the meeting time to topics which advance the art or are for the good of the order.

Meeting adjourned at about 1:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ed Haskell, W1PN, Secretary

Minutes of June 5, 2010

Crandall House, Ashaway, RI

Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:15 am by president John W1AN

W1XX hosted meeting and cooked lunch

Committee & Officer Reports

Contest Manager

Championship Standing

Remarkable reversal since last report:

HiPwr 1st place , K3IU 4.4M 2nd place W1AN 3.8M

LoPwr 1st place W1WBB 2.3M, 2nd place KS1J 2.1M

QRP 1st place W1IG 231K

What a fleeting thing is fame.


W1AN has arranged rooms as described last meeting.

“W1AN reserved two poolside rooms at Boxboro convention hotel as no suites were available. One could be used for sleeping and one as a hospitality room if hotel will make furniture alterations. A total of six or seven people could sleep in the two rooms.”NG1G has been attempting to contact Mike Raisbeck without success to determine whether our services are needed. (Secy note: A week later at the Division Managers cabinet meeting Mike said volunteer help was well in hand.)”

W1PN will supply a booth tent.

Power by generator as convention hookup is too expensive.

It would be useful if members would list their swapmeet equipment on the website.

A work schedule for members will be prepared in advance of the convention.

Old Business

Last meeting it was decided Contingent upon finding a volunteer to handle the raffle that no more than $300 from the treasury be allocated to raffle items. No member came forward so the raffle will not be held.

New Business

Moved (W1XX/NG1G) that executive committee review plaques and recommend how to continue.

Meeting adjourned at about 12:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ed Haskell, W1PN, Secretary

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At the top, right under “Add New Post” is a text box containing “Enter title here” which is where Pat entered “No Code CW Contesting”, for example. Put the name you want to call your post in this box then click in the text input box below all the word-processing-like icons. Just type away. If you want to enter a photo look just above the two lines of icons and you will see “Upload/Insert” followed by four icons. The first one will take you to a photo upload screen. Ken, K3IU, is at work determining how best to upload photos, but you should not let that stop you from experimenting.

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Antenna Party at N1HRA (Gallery)

I saw it just a minute ago.
Don't anyone let go.
The group confers about that missing nut.
On the way down.

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Antenna Party at N1HRA

On two weekends in November members of CTRICG met to renovate Bill N1HRA’s antenna farm in Ashaway, Rhode Island.

As with any smoothly run project the first thing is to find all the parts required to assemble the antenna.

I saw it just a minute ago.

Perhaps we can just use some extra electrical tape instead.

Outside at last work begins on positioning the giant antenna prior to elevating it to the top of the tower.

Pat thinks the use of extra electical tape does not conform to good engineering practice,

The group confers about that missing nut.

Don’t anyone let go.

The antenna made it with only a few slight bends.

On the way down.