The station will be open this weekend for the CQ WPX. Mike K1DM and I will be active here. Any other takers? This is a big one! Work everybody! RBN Active. Hope to hear many CTRIers!
73, John W1AN
The station will be open this weekend for the CQ WPX. Mike K1DM and I will be active here. Any other takers? This is a big one! Work everybody! RBN Active. Hope to hear many CTRIers!
73, John W1AN
The next regular meeting of the CTRI Contest Group:
Saturday May 11 @ 0900.
Kingstown Library, 100 Boone Street, N. Kingstown, 02852
Presentation: Portable Operations and Island Activations by John Mills, K1JSM and Willy Maclean, W1LY
I put in a little over 5 hours on Sunday. I heard and worked several of the members. With the exception of about 4 Qs, I was running the whole time. This is a fun contest from here because everybody else wants to work you and you just need to invite them in. 🙂
73, Ken K3IU
New England QSO Party – 2019
Call: K3IU/1
Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 5.2
Band CW-Dig Qs Ph Qs
80: 27
40: 106
20: 183
15: 3
10: 0
Total: 319 0 Mults = 52 Total Score = 33,176
Club: CT RI Contest Group
Time to chase the mice and spiders out of the rig. Hope to catch more than a few CTRIers on this weekend.
John W1AN
At the most recent meeting, the club authorized renting a brush cutter (hog) to clear out the brush in the “back 40” for antenna installation. This to be followed by professional bug spraying. Our intent is to do this ASAP before growth starts to sprout. Prospective dates weather dependent are this Saturday (Ap 27) or Mon, Tues, or Wed next week…date to be coordinated with Jim Crawford of Skyscrapers. The brush cutter is located at Taylor Rental in Warwick. The hitch is that we need a pickup truck (or similar) to transport to the site in N. Scituate and return to Warwick. Can anyone help with a truck? Post here…email me at w1xx AT cox DOT net or …call my landline: 401-783-1588.
The satellite presentation by Bob Beatty, WB4SON, made at our April 20th meeting have been posted. See Documents menu –> Meeting Minutes & Reports.
Just when we were getting a handle on FT8 contest mode (and wishing it was faster)–
“FT4 is a special-purpose mode designed for rapid-fire
contest QSOs. ” If you listened to my rants on the topic, I predicted there would be a 5-second cycle time version of FT8 within a year or two. I was only off by a second! Now my next crystal ball prediction–This will take HF by storm, never mind the slight sacrifice of sensitivity. I’ll be checking it out–
Dave K1SX
The next regular meeting of the CTRI Contest Group:
Saturday April 20 @ 0900
N. Kingstown Library, 100 Boone Street, N. Kingstown, 02852
Presentation: Satellite Communications by Bob Beatty, WB4SON
Members: a new message regarding vintage radio gear for sale has been posted on our club web site, CTRI.Club
Contact Terry O’Rourke (401)378-3325 if interested. He is selling his father’s (SK) vintage radio collection. There may be more than two pieces. The BC-610 is complete and working.
Attendees: K1HSY (Dean); W1XX (John); NA1CN (Chuck); NG1M (Mike); NG1G (Pat); K1DM (Mike); W1AN (John); K1JSM (John); KA1J (Gary); K1MD (Rich); AA1AC (Mark); K3IU (Ken); KS1J (Jim)
Treasurer’s Report (NG1M) – As of Date, $10,151.84 balance
We are all set with Insurance. Thanks Mike!
Contest Manager Report (K1ECU)
Charlie said that he had looked back three years to see club participation in some of the key contests. Basically considering membership, there hasn’t been a ton of logs submitted. However the ARRL DX CW 2019 did have seven logs and total score of 10Meg. Note that Rick KI1G was the largest contributor.
Some discussion followed on the old intra-club competition. Ken K3IU updated everyone on how tracking had become painful and John W1XX commented that this initiative, although initially effective, had run its course.
John W1XX did say he would provide Charlie with a list of those contests that generated the greatest CTRI participation. These mostly include RTTY (ARRL and CQ) and SSB tests.
Charlie encouraged all members to post contest scores to 3830. That site makes it easy to summarize by club. It also allows one to see how they did against the competition.
It was mentioned that the Russian Contest (March 16) and CQ WPX SSB (3/26) are coming up this month. The Russian contest is everyone work everyone with bonus for Russian oblasts and calls. The WPX SSB contest is always popular and John (W1AN) said that his station would be open for that one.
Charlie reminded all to check the website since upcoming contests are also posted there.
YOTA Committee (K1ECU, W1WBB and W1MBF) – No report since Bill couldn’t make the meeting.
Field Day
W1XX first asked if there was interest in 2019 participation. There was enthusiastic endorsement! Following this, John accepted the position of Field Day Chair. This was followed by some preliminary discussions mostly about antennas. Pat wondered if the club should get a second Hex Beam because of the superior performance he experienced with the first one last year. John W1XX said he wasn’t convinced about the performance edge. Further discussion raised the issue at to whether the rather substantial effort to raise the Mega Wire antenna was also worth it. Other specialized antennas for the low bands were discussed as possibilities considering the lack of high band propagation now. Because of these various alternatives, an ad-hoc Antenna Committee was organized consisting of KS1J, KA1J, and K3IU. Jim will reach out to the other members and target a report out by the next meeting. A decision on the antenna portfolio is needed fairly soon because if we were to get another hex beam ($700), the lead time from Folding Antennas is about 4 weeks, construction and testing another 4 weeks. W1XX said he would forward info on the Mega Wire antenna to KS1J. All pretty much agreed that the TH-3 was not a real alternative.
Also discussed was the possibility of trying different modes, especially Satellite, FT8(6 meters) and other digital modes.
John W1XX then covered the upcoming meetings and mentioned that a number of great presentations were on tap.
4/20 – Meet at North Kingstown Library. Bob WB1SON will talk about Satellite communication.
5/11 – Meet at North Kingstown Library. John K1JSM will talk about US Islands on Air activation. At this meeting we also will decide if a special 6/1 meeting be held to finalize Field Day preparation.
6/8 – Meet at North Kingstown Library. W1XX was especially enthused about the scheduled presentation by NM1Y (Jeff). Jeff is an experienced DXpeditioner (K1N, 3Y0Z) and will discuss his experiences. Because of the general interest in this, John has contact Bob W1YRC to see if other clubs might want to attend this presentation. Related to his visit, it was agreed that a $100 contribution to a DX foundation would be made as an expression of the club’s appreciation of NM1Y’s visit.
6/22- 6/23 FIELD DAY!
W1XX listed other possible forums (no dates yet): Portable Antenna (W1MBF); FT8 (K1SX); 6W (AA1C); Station Renovation (K1MD)
Chuck mentioned that on 6/23 at Norwich Free Academy there would be a presentation on robotics plus a VE session.
Chuck then delivered his presentation on Fox Hunting. He described how these events are organized and what challenges they present the participants. He described a number of different directional antennas and passed around a couple including a three element tape measure job. He mentioned how attenuation plays a role in zeroing in on the fox and how TDOA (time difference of arrival) antennas can also help.
It was a super presentation!
Next meeting 4/20!
Saturday March 9th at 0900.
Venue: Homeowners Association Club House, 191 Tablerock Road, Wakefield, RI
Guests welcome.
I’m preparing for this weekend for the ARRL SSB DX contest. If you need to up the total in your DXCC stats this is a good one to work. The DX is looking for you! Chair time available.
73, John W1AN
Very excited to have made my second ever qso with the frozen continent. My first was to DP1POL using the JT9 digital mode as a freshly licensed extra just over three years ago. LOTW confirmed, this one brings my CW DXCC count to 95! I’m hoping to close in on the 100 mark as the ARRL DX CW confirmations keep trickling in. Thanks to CTRI members for all your support and encouragement with my CW. 73, Charlie K1ECU
Call: W1AN
Operator(s): W1AN
Station: W1AN
Class: Single Op Assisted HP
Operating Time (hrs): 12
Total: QSOs = 420 State/Prov = 50 Countries = 30 Total Score = 103,040
Club: CT RI Contest Group
Conditions were disappointing. The band was a little noisy and signals were down quite a bit from the CW contest a week ago. This required many repeats for fills. Goal was to equal last years score. Barely made it. Good to see the club activity.
73, John W1AN