This is the first contest of the CTRI Champions series. If you participated and are submitting a score, please post your results here.
73, Ken K3IU
Keeper of the Leaderboard
This is the first contest of the CTRI Champions series. If you participated and are submitting a score, please post your results here.
73, Ken K3IU
Keeper of the Leaderboard
Sorry I’m late in posting this. Here is a listing of the contests and dates for the 2014-15 competition.
73, Ken K3IU
After postponing it to the last, I am finally upgrading to Windows 7. My trusty turtle beach is no longer so I wonder what the RTTY gang uses for sound cards and if there are any recommendations.
Jim KS1j
At the meeting yesterday, I submitted a proposal for a score handicapping system to be used in the CTRI Champions competition. We debated it and the membership decided to give it a try this season to see how it goes. Not as official scores, but as a trial run.
Here’s the link to the file: CTRI Championship Score Handicapping Proposal
I am asking everyone to take a few minutes to review my proposal and give me feedback – what problems you see, how it might be improved, or if it’s great the way it is. I am not asking for folks to tell me if they think we should or shouldn’t do it; that’s something that should be decided at a meeting.
The proposal is short and, I think, self-explanatory. But if you have any questions please feel free to post them here or email me. Thanks for your consideration!
Pat, NG1G
The next CTRI meeting is this Saturday Sep 6 at 10 AM at the W1XX QTH in South Kingstown. Usually this has meant that antenna work is needed, but so far that is not the case. Agenda: This is the annual election of officers meeting so attendance is the best means of self protection. W1AN will probably have an update on the disposition of the KA1GEU estate.
Hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill is the fare. Parking for several cars at the top of the hill, on the side at the bottom of the driveway (walk up), across from the driveway on Shannock Rd., next to the mailbox, last resort on the hardtop on the upper half of the up-hill driveway.
Please indicate your intended attendance with a comment so we can have a count for refreshments. Thanks & 73! — John, W1XX
These are the area Hamfests that I’ve identified.
9/14 Western CT, Newtown
9/20 Forestdale, RI (76 Repeater BVRC?)
10/10 NEAR Fest, Deerfield, NH
10/12 CT State Convention (Nutmeg Hamfest), Meriden, CT
The Flea at MIT is every month or so.
73 James K1SD
I’ve an ICE Model 419 Automatic Bandpass Filter that is excess of my needs.
Any interest?
73 James K1SD
I would like to get set up to operate split using RTTY. I wish to monitor my transmit frequency AND the transmit frequency of the station I am trying to work (usually the DX station). To do it, I believe I need two digital interfaces running at the same time, one on the main VFO (my RX freq) and the second on the second VFO (my TX freq) [ I am using a K3 for this experiment].
Can someone give me a clue how I might configure this both hardware wise, and software wise. I currently have MMTTY and MMTTY2 on my RM2 desktop. Do I just start the first one, and then start the second one? Are there instructions in the N1MM Logger documentation that I should be reading?
After I get everything configured, I would like to try some on-air tests while I learn what I am doing. Currently, when I want to grab a W1AW/? station on RTTY, and they are operating split, I keep switching VFOs (A/B) until I get each VFO set to where I think he’s listening, and then I give a call. But, I feel like I am operating blind, since I can’t copy except on the signal that’s on the A VFO.
Help please. Thank you. 73, Mike, K1DM
The second W1AW operating session for CT starts Tuesday evening or 0000Z on 9/17. The schedule is posted at Managing the schedule will be Dick KB1H and Tom W1TJL. They show the contact email addresses as, and
I plan on hosting here and will have the two operating stations available all week, but possibly not daytime Sunday the 21st. It’s first season home game for the Patriots! You can contact Tom or Dick and get your password or just let me know when you will be over to operate and your preferred bands/modes. We will also be able to fill voids in the schedule most any time, but if you have band preferences it’s best to reserve on your own.
John, W1AN
As many of you may know, I have been suffering from S9+ power line noise for about 4 or 5 months. Loud enough to keep me off the air. But this past weekend, John W1AN showed up to help locate the noise problem. My initial suspect pole turned out to be totally wrong but John and his handy ultrasonic detector nailed the real culprits. I called in the three pole numbers to National Grid yesterday. It was an effort getting through their automatic menu system to finally get a customer service rep. But when I did, she took down the information, frequencies where the noise occurred, strength and the equipment used to locate the poles. She also took my address and phone number but did not give me any idea as to when they might get back to me. I also did not get a case number.
But thanks to John I am finally making progress on this issue!!
I hope National Grid takes timely action but who knows. Watch this space for future announcements.
Jim KS1J
I prepared the info in the link for the Saturday meeting. Contest Manager, NG1G, suggested that I post it here on the web site. Attached is a pdf file with that analysis. I tried to just add it to this posting, but somehow the formatting gets all screwed up when I do that. If you open it with your browser plug-in, it may look a bit strange, but if you download it and open it with your pdf reader (Adobe or equal) it displays just fine.
Revision 1: Just received 2 more entries from our leader, K1DM. We still did not break 80 million!
Quick-dirty analysis of CTRI Champions competition
73, Ken K3IU Keeper of the Leaderboard
The final posting of the 2013-2014 CTRI Champions Leaderboard is now available. We did not quite make the 80 million point challange, but got pretty close! If you click on the link below, you may download it. As usual, it is a Microsoft Excel 97-2003 format.
Rev 1: Added 2 contest results from K1DM. Still did not break 80 million points!
73, Ken K3IU, Keeper of the Leaderboard
It’s that time again. If you are familiar with the interactive meeting notice skip down to “Topics“. This is an interactive meeting notice. What, you may ask, is an interactive meeting notice? As the phrase suggests, it is a meeting notice which requires interaction by the readers. For example: we need to have topics for presentation at the meeting; we need presenters; we need volunteers to provide lunch; we need to know who is coming to the meeting so the quantity of lunch portions may be determined, and so on. This post will be updated as interactions (comments) are appended.
Lunch provider:
Coffee and Donuts by: K1SD
Members who will attend: W1XX, NG1G, KB1RFJ, K3IU, W1AN
Venue: North Kingstown Free Library, at 10:00AM
If you’d like to drop by and drive the station for a while, just let me know.
73 James K1SD
H: 401.884.2654
C: 401.225.7303
Hi all,
Where is the time disappearing to. Just a reminder that the W1AW/1 operation from RI starts this Tuesday night at 20:00 local and runs for 1 week. I will have 3 stations up and running from my QTH. If anyone looking is for a place to operate from I do still have slots open, drop me an email with your availability and I will find you some airtime.
Rick KI1G