Meeting of November 12, 2011

Eight members assembled Saturday morning as the November meeting returned to Crandall House in Ashaway, RI. High on the list of agenda items was the election of officers for 2011-2012. Three members found out why it is important to attend, in their absence they were elected to office!

The photo below shows the presence of a quorum of qualified members (W1PN was also present but behind the camera).

Elected were:

K1DM, President

K3IU, Vice-President

W1PN, Secretary

KB1BNO, Treasurer

W1WBB, Contest Manager


Secretary: Minutes of October 22 are on the website and were distributed. Adopted as presented.

Treasurer: Absent

Contest Manager: Focus should now be on the ARRL 10 Meter contest, December 10-11, 2011. It was attempted to set a specific goal for the club with the intent to involve everyone, much as we did for the NEQP contest earlier. NG1G suggested a goal of 3 billion points, but cooler heads prevailed. K3IU suggested a participation related goal, e.g., at least 15 members operating for 20 hours each. NG1G raised the possibility of a promise of individual achievement (time and/or points) in advance of the contest and then an aggregation of these promises to a club goal. Additional discussion revealed the difficulty of setting a goal without further analysis and comments. It was decided to continue this topic through a post on the website.

KS1J observed that we should have a Tips, Hints, Strategy post for this contest. Jim volunteered to write the post.

Old Business:

W1AN continued the on-going discussion of the club going to Puerto Rico in 2013 for the CQ WW WPX RTTY contest. Carlos would like to host our operation. (See for more information.) A sometimes raucous discussion ensued on the vicissitudes of operating in a tropical environment. NG1G is the ramrod for this effort and will bring order out of this chaos and report on the website.

New Business:

Jim, KS1J, is trying to assemble records of our performance in the past. Please append a comment here with your recollections of contests in which we have scored at or near the top to assist Jim in this data collection task.

W1AN raised the question of what to do about the Yahoo reflector. Consensus was to shut it down since its function has been replaced by the new website. Mechanics of how and when this will be done must be resolved. Discussions revealed that some members do not know how to accomplish their needs with the website. This is exemplified by how to use RSS to cause notification of new and changed information. Additionally it would be useful if non-Members could see some things on the website for the purpose of recruiting. It was agreed that we should limit the reflector to being a repository of old but perhaps useful information and change its parameters so that the origination of new emails, files, etc, is not possible. NG1G is responsible for the implementation of this decision which implies that we find ways to help members who have trouble understanding how to use the new website.

The issue of club members vs reflector members arose several times in the preceding discussions. Who gets unrestricted access to the website and who does not? Who are the members? How do we serve both groups? Should we? While lots of issues were raised none were resolved and were left for subsequent meetings.

Holiday Luncheon (February meeting) at Greg’s. Chuck will be asked by W1AN if he will organize again. Club will not pay for the dinner this time because we don’t have the money (an issue that has to be discussed at a future meeting).

Motion to bestow Honorary Member status to Bill, N1HRA, was passed unanimously.

It became obvious that members were becoming fatigued so the meeting adjourned at 1350.

Respectfully submitted,

Ed Haskell, W1PN, Secretary

Meeting of March 12, 2011

Mike, K1DM, Challenges Members to Improve CW Performance

The best attended meeting in recent memory was held at the Crandall House in Ataway, RI, on Saturday, March 12, 2011. Eighteen members enjoyed multiple technical presentations and exceptional cuisine as well as good fellowship.

John, W1XX  announced and promoted  “Operation NEQP:  1 Million or Bust”, a project to establish an unbeatable record for this contest. Members are urged to ready their stations for the contest which is held in early May. At the April meeting we can count on our esteemed Contest Manager for additional exhortations to surpass our previous efforts and set the bar beyond the reach of others forever.

Mike, K1DM  presented his Morse code training regime. He also did a TEST RUN using the RufzXP program to let everyone see another way to improve their code proficiency. Members interested in improving their own CW performance had the opportunity to run the program and establish a baseline from which to improve before the April meeting.  There is much of interest about Mike’s methodology to which this short description fails to do justice.

Bob,W1YRC  gave a presentation on the way his other club is approaching lifting the level of technical expertise of members and prospective members. It is an unusual way to make real hams out of people who hold a license but whose understanding of ham radio or electronics comes mainly from the license manual. Members found this account to be fascinating and of potential use to CTRI CG. After a long and stimulating discussion it was moved by W1XX and seconded by NG1G that the Executive Committee be directed to study the potential of the club establishing a similar undertaking to the one W1YRC described but with a contest bent and to report back to the membership. Motion passed.

Lunch is served.

At this point the meeting recessed for lunch provided by Chris, KA1GEU, coffee by John, W1AN, ice cold milk by Pat, NG1G. A special treat was a selection of oatmeal-raisin and chocolate chip-pecan-bourbon cookies by Pam K6NDV, and Bob W1YRC.

After lunch the meeting resumed.

Members were asked what topics would interest them for future meetings:

  • A review of N3PU experiences
  • LOTW workshop
  • Demo of TeamView and remote operation
  • Logging programs: XMLOG, DXWIN, DXLABS, N1MM, WriteLog, etc.
  • Construction projects

Some discussion surrounded each of these possible topics as well as other general conversations.

Meeting adjourned at 1330

Respectfully submitted,

Ed Haskell W1PN, Secretary



It’s What You Scatter

I received the following in an email from Bob Beaudet W1YRC. I don’t know whether Bob is the author although he is certainly capable of writing it as we will see as his monthly column “Charlie’s Whistle” begins on January 1. I thought you would enjoy reading it. At this time of year it is good to reflect on the goodness most of us are capable of.



I was at the corner grocery store buying some early potatoes… I noticed a small boy, delicate of bone and feature, ragged but clean, hungrily apprising a basket of freshly picked green peas.I paid for my potatoes but was also drawn to the display of fresh green peas. I am a pushover for creamed peas and new potatoes.Pondering the peas, I couldn’t help overhearing the conversation between Mr. Miller (the store owner) and the ragged boy next to me.

‘Hello Barry, how are you today?’
‘H’lo, Mr. Miller. Fine, thank ya.
Jus’ admirin’ them peas. They sure look good.’

‘They are good, Barry. How’s your Ma?’
‘Fine. Gittin’ stronger alla’ time.’
‘Good. Anything I can help you with?’
‘No, Sir. Jus’ admirin’ them peas.’

‘Would you like to take some home?’  Asked Mr. Miller.
‘No, Sir. Got nuthin’ to pay for ’em with.’

‘Well, what have you to trade me for some of those peas?’

‘All I got’s my prize marble here.’
‘Is that right? Let me see it’ said Miller.
‘Here ’tis. She’s a dandy.’
‘I can see that. Hmm mmm, only thing is this one is blue and I
sort of go for red. Do you have a red one like this at home?’ the store owner asked.

‘Not zackley but almost.’

‘Tell you what. Take this sack of peas home with you and next trip
this way let me look at that red marble’. Mr. Miller told the boy.

‘Sure will. Thanks Mr. Miller.’

Mrs. Miller, who had been standing nearby, came over to help me. With a smile she said, ‘There are two other boys like him in our community, all three are in very poor circumstances. Jim just loves to bargain with them for peas, apples, tomatoes, or whatever. When they come back with their red marbles, and they always do, he decides he doesn’t like red after all and he sends them home with a bag of produce for a green marble or an orange one, when they come on their next trip to the store.’

I left the store smiling to myself, impressed with this man.

A short time later I moved to Colorado , but I never forgot the story of this man, the boys, and their bartering for marbles. Several years went by, each more rapid than the previous one. Just recently I had occasion to visit some old friends in that Idaho community and while I was there learned that Mr. Miller had died.. They were having his visitation that evening and knowing my friends wanted to go, I agreed to accompany them. Upon arrival at the mortuary we fell into line to meet the relatives of the deceased and to offer whatever words of comfort we could.

Ahead of us in line were three young men. One was in an army uniform and the other two wore nice haircuts, dark suits and white shirts…all very professional looking. They approached Mrs. Miller, standing composed and smiling by her husband’s casket.

Each of the young men hugged her, kissed her on the cheek, spoke briefly with her and moved on to the casket. Her misty light blue eyes followed them as, one by one; each young man stopped briefly and placed his own warm hand over the cold pale hand in the casket.

Each left the mortuary awkwardly, wiping his eyes. Our turn came to meet Mrs. Miller. I told her who I was and reminded her of the story from those many years ago and what she had told me about her husband’s bartering for marbles. With her eyes glistening, she took my hand and led me to the casket.

‘Those three young men who just left were the boys I told you about. They just told me how they appreciated the things Jim ‘traded’ them. Now, at last, when Jim could not change his mind about color or size….they came to pay their debt.’ ‘We’ve never had a great deal of the wealth of this world,’ she confided, ‘but right now, Jim would consider himself the richest man in Idaho ..’ With loving gentleness she lifted the lifeless fingers of her deceased husband. Resting underneath were three exquisitely shined red marbles.

The Moral:
We will not be remembered by our words, but by our kind deeds.Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath.

Today I wish you a day of ordinary miracles ~ A fresh pot of coffee you didn’t make yourself…

An unexpected phone call from an old friend…. Green stoplights on your way to work….

The fastest line at the grocery store…. A good sing-along song on the radio…

Your keys found right where you left them.


Minutes of the November 2010 Meeting

Meeting called to order at 1120 hours on 13 November, 2010


Secretary and Treasurer reports were accepted without amendments.

The following members were nominated for office:

President      W1AN

Vice President W1WBB, NG1G, and K1DM

Secretary W1PN

Treasurer KA1BNO

Contest Manager W1XX

W1AN moved and K3IU seconded that the uncontested positions be filled by acclimation. Motion passed.

Four ballots finally produced a winner for VP, K1DM.

The business session having concluded a nearly two hour demonstration and discussion of the new web site was conducted by W1PN.

Meeting adjourned at 1400.

Minutes of May 23, 2009

Minute for Meeting May 23, 2009

Crandall House, Hopkinton RI

Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:13 am by President John W1AN.

Committee Reports


The minutes were read and accepted. Moved: Ken K3IU Second: Jim KS1J


The Treasurer was unable to attend.


Two guests were elected members: Bill W1WBB, Portsmouth, licensed 30 years, a contester (member of YCCC), Top Bander; Chris KA1ZEU, Charlestown, licensed in the mid ‘80s, ARES, Flex 5000. Both were recruited by W1XX. The requirement for written applications was waived, there being no application forms available. Moved: Jim W1AN, Second: John W1XX.


The president reported on electronic committee meetings to resolve the issues of an intra-club contest and the K1GOX memorial. A written report (attached) was circulated and adopted. Moved: Ken K3IU, Second: Jim KS1J. There followed a motion to disband the intra-club competition committee which passed. Moved: John W1XX, Second: Ken K3IU.

A plaque for the 2008 NEQSO Party xxxxxxx, and the June VHF QSO Party 220 MHz CT Section Low Power AM went to John W1AN.

A discussion of the whereabouts of older club awards ensued with a determination that they are in a box transferred from president to president.

Field Day

A signup sheet was circulated to collect who was bringing what. The list will be posted on the reflector. The field has been reserved and the town will be providing the generator. Campers on Friday through Sunday are OK. Matt will bring his camper and logging computers. Dan Roy will do PR. John will bring the new club enclosure, antenna masts, etc. After a slow start things seem to be coming together.


It was mentioned that Bob KB1LN needs a merit badge counselor for some scouts in Charlestown later this year. Ed W1PN said he could probably do that.

The Ham COW will attend the meeting on September 12.

Antenna work

Jim KG1J: some help taking down ???

John W1AN: take down verticals put up 40M beam

Norm NR1H: some VHF refurb plus erecting 6M beam

Meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:30.

Respectfully submitted.

Ed Haskell, K5RJI


Minutes of March 21, 2009

Minute for Meeting March 21, 2009

Crandall House, Hopkinton RI

Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:10 am by President John W1AN.

Committee Reports


The minutes were read and accepted with minor changes.


The Treasurer indicated a balance of $1182.11 in the treasury. Income was $185.00 for the Post Holiday Party reservations. Disbursements were $574.01 for Gregg’s Restaurant and the Post Holiday Party, $60 for Single Op RI CQ WPX plaque, $50 for a donation to the American Heart Association in memory of Ernie Piche N1SW, $100 for a donation to the ARRL Education Fund in memory of Ernie Piche N1SW. The report was unanimously accepted.


John W1AN mentioned that it would be good to bring in new members. The group commented that new members would help to add to the fun, add points for contesting and add to our antenna crew.


Ken K3IU gave a thorough report on the CQWW WPX RTTY operation at NP3U. Additional comments were made by John W1AN. The claimed score was 10,418,000 for the M2 operation with John W1AN, Ken K3IU, Bill N1HRA, Jay AJ1M, Carlos WP4U and Carlos WP4N as operators.

New Business

Intraclub Contest

Dean N1SXL made a motion which was amended and seconded to have the Intraclub Contest Committee meet and put together a proposal for the May meeting to make the K1GOX DX Marathon the group’s Intraclub competition. There was extensive discussion in favor. Chuck KA1CQR discussed the existing rules and indicated that it should be a simple process to adapt the scoring program to changes contemplated. There was disappointment from members that there had been no action by the Intraclub competition committee.

Field Day

The topic of Field Day was brought up. Member expressed great interest in participation, but there was little interest in manning a committee to make it happen. It was decided by consensus that if there were insufficient volunteers to chair and take operations responsibility we would pass on this year’s field day. Bill N1HRA will start the paperwork to reserve Crandall field in April once we are confident we can adequately manage the operation. John W1AN agreed to solicit for the major responsibilities on yahoo groups. The decision point on this is early to mid-April so if you are interesting in volunteering for one of the required tasks please don’t wait.

N1SW call

Bill N1HRA asked if the group was interested in getting Ernie Pichies N1SW call for the club. He indicated that Ernie’s family would need to approve, and Ed K5RJI offered to prepare the paperwork. The group agreed unanimously that this should be pursued.


It was mentioned that John KO1H needs some antenna work done.

Pat NG1G gave an update on the activity to inventory Ernie’s radio equipment. He indicated that a basic inventory will be presented to Amy, Ernie’s daughter with some options on how the equipment could be sold. The family will make the final decision. It was again stated that this was not a CTRI group function.

It was mentioned that a contesting operations discussion was to follow the meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:15.

Respectfully submitted.

Ed Haskell, K5RJI


Minutes of July 24, 2010

Crandall House, Ashaway, RI

Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:25 am by president John W1AN

Members present: K3IU, W1AN, W1XX, N1HRA, NG1G, W1PN

This was a Boxboro planning meeting. The usual order of business was suspended by acclimation. The minutes are being published very early as they contain information of importance about the convention. There will also be several emails from various attendees over the next several days that members should note well, so keep an eye on the reflector mailings.


In two past meetings there have been informal discussions about the club sponsoring a commemorative radio telegraph key as a door prize at the Convention Contesting Dinner on Friday evening. A half dozen or so members have said they were willing to contribute to this prize. Please contact Pat NG1G asap with your plans so a determination may be made whether to continue with this idea.

The decision last meeting not to do the raffle was raised for reconsideration and no voices were heard in favor of changing that decision. There will be no raffle.

This leads to the question, then, of the need to have and man a booth in the vendors’ hall this year. Pat NG1G will inform the convention manager that we will operate from our “booth” in the flea market and will not require space inside.

The raffle decision requires us to find a way to make up the revenue loss. It is important that all of us go through our shacks and set aside items for the flea market. Our presence there will be much more prominent than in past years. We have five spaces reserved, will have a covered area, a banner across the front, the remaining equipment from Ernie’s estate, a number of high value items, etc. The more the better. The club asks for a contribution of ten percent, or more, for handling the sale of flea market items. Look for special emails about this subject.

There will be a checklist of food items needed for the hospitality room. Please sign up. It will be on the yahoo group site.

John, W1AN, is planning to order hats in time for the convention. Watch the reflector traffic for details.

A work schedule for members will be prepared in advance of the convention.

We will probably hold an informal meeting close to the Convention start date to make sure everything is handled. Bill N1HRA volunteered a pool party. More information as it develops.

Old Business

There was one quick item of old business. Last month there was a motion that the executive committee review plaques and recommend how to continue. There is a recommendation on the reflector.

Meeting adjourned at about 2:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ed Haskell, W1PN, Secretary

Minutes of January 23, 2010

Crandall House, Ashaway, RI

Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:15 am by president John W1AN

Members in attendance: NG1G, N1SXL, KA1BNO, NR1H, W1WBB, KA1GEU, KW2G, W1XX, K3IU, W1AN, W1PN

Guests in attendance:


Dan KA1KNO will bring food for the February meeting. John W1AN will bring coffee.

Committee & Officer Reports

Secretary, Ed Haskell W1PN

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as corrected (Food for November was provided by Jim KS1J and Jeff K1NEF). Moved by NG1G/Seconded by K3IU

Treasurer, Dan Roy KA1BNO

Plaques for the following contests were paid for per SOP: ARRL DX PL #181; ARRL RTTY RoundUp #31; November SS #104.

Moved (K3IU) and Seconded (N1SXL) that club spend $65 for CQ WW WPX RTTY. Passed

Note: If a club member is qualified to a plaque that has gone unsponsored the club will pay for that paque.

Current balance in the treasury is $882.11.

Report accepted (NG1G/N1SXL)

Education Committee

There will be an upcoming Technician class. An outline is in development, complicated slightly by the impending change in the question pool (June).


NG1G reviewing what we have done in the past will reach out to other New England clubs for participation this year. It will be attempted to reserve Suite 114 again.


WiWBB will work on logo suitable for hats, jackets, t-shirts, etc.


Dean has located lodging. Several members present expressed a strong interest in going (W1AN, W1XX, N1SXL).

Business Meeting adjourned at 12:06pm


Dean, N1SXL, gave a really nice multimedia presentation on the N1MM Contest Logger program. A CD containing presentation notes, a copy of the program, etc., was handed out to those desiring one.

Meeting adjourned at about 1:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ed Haskell, W1PN, Secretary

Minutes of May 8, 2010

Crandall House, Ashaway, RI

Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:25 am by president John W1AN

Members in attendance: NG1G, KA1GEU, KA1VMG, K1DM, KS1J, W1XX, W1AN, W1PN

Committee & Officer Reports

Contest Manager

Championship Standing

HiPwr 1st place W1AN 3.8M , 2nd place K3IU 3.7M

LoPwr 1st place KS1J 1.7M, 2nd place W1WBB 1.5M

QRP 1st place W1IG 92K

The NEQP had pretty good club participation but needs more next year. This report started a ragchew about “just wait ’till next year ….”


There was a wide ranging discussion of whether and how to manage the swap meet.

W1AN reserved two poolside rooms at Boxboro convention hotel as no suites were available. One could be used for sleeping and one as a hospitality room if hotel will make furniture alterations. A total of six or seven people could sleep in the two rooms.

Jim KS1J posed the question: “Should the club expend so much effort, either for our own benefit (hospitality suite, info table, raffle sales) or for the convention’s (parking direction, etc.).” After some discussion it seemed to be th consensus that we should.

Pat NG1G commented that the convention gets smaller every biennial and through it all CTRI CG has participated more than any other organization. We should continue.

W1AN will converse with hotel about arranging facilities in the rooms.

NG1G will coordinate volunteers

Moved (W1XX/K1DM) Contingent upon finding a volunteer to handle the raffle that no more than $300 from the treasury be allocated to raffle items. Passed without dissent.

Other topics

No word on a club logo update.

A committee was formed (NG1G, K1DM, W1AN) to study the desirability of a club station at the US Coast Guard Academy or other venue and report at a future meeting.

Meeting adjourned at about 1:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ed Haskell, W1PN, Secretary

Minutes of December 5, 2009

Crandall House, Ashaway, RI

Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:13 am by president John W1AN

Members in attendance:

Guests in attendance: Don Watson KW2G

Committee & Officer Reports


Minutes of the previous meeting are on the reflector.


This was the first meeting under the new format of abbreviated business items with the focus to be on a topic or topics of interest with a prepared talk, demonstration, or moderated discussion. John W1XX led a very long and quite enlightening discussion on contesting. He was prepared with examples of operating aids, techniques, operating strategies, etc., which stimulated all in attendance to offer many of their own ideas. It was a rewarding experience for the dozen of us who participated.

At the conclusion a number of members spoke up with ideas for future topics and several volunteered to give talks, demonstrations, etc.

Lunch was served which enhanced the camaraderie and made it possible for the meeting to last longer without hunger hastening adjournment. John, W1AN provided most of the fixings for lunch this time. It is hoped that others will step forward to handle this for future meetings.

All seemed to feel that this was a very good meeting format and that we got more out of it than was the case with the previous approach. It was noted, however, that we still have to conduct some ‘business’. A process for handling that is being developed so all who wish to may be involved, while preserving most of the meeting time to topics which advance the art or are for the good of the order.

Meeting adjourned at about 1:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ed Haskell, W1PN, Secretary

Minutes of June 5, 2010

Crandall House, Ashaway, RI

Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:15 am by president John W1AN

W1XX hosted meeting and cooked lunch

Committee & Officer Reports

Contest Manager

Championship Standing

Remarkable reversal since last report:

HiPwr 1st place , K3IU 4.4M 2nd place W1AN 3.8M

LoPwr 1st place W1WBB 2.3M, 2nd place KS1J 2.1M

QRP 1st place W1IG 231K

What a fleeting thing is fame.


W1AN has arranged rooms as described last meeting.

“W1AN reserved two poolside rooms at Boxboro convention hotel as no suites were available. One could be used for sleeping and one as a hospitality room if hotel will make furniture alterations. A total of six or seven people could sleep in the two rooms.”NG1G has been attempting to contact Mike Raisbeck without success to determine whether our services are needed. (Secy note: A week later at the Division Managers cabinet meeting Mike said volunteer help was well in hand.)”

W1PN will supply a booth tent.

Power by generator as convention hookup is too expensive.

It would be useful if members would list their swapmeet equipment on the website.

A work schedule for members will be prepared in advance of the convention.

Old Business

Last meeting it was decided Contingent upon finding a volunteer to handle the raffle that no more than $300 from the treasury be allocated to raffle items. No member came forward so the raffle will not be held.

New Business

Moved (W1XX/NG1G) that executive committee review plaques and recommend how to continue.

Meeting adjourned at about 12:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Ed Haskell, W1PN, Secretary

Minutes of November 14, 2009

Crandall House, Hopkinton RI

Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:22 am by President John W1AN.

Members in attendance: John, W1AN, Pres; Dean, N1SXL, VP; Ed W1PN; Bill, N1HRA; W1XX, John; KS1J, Jim; KA1GEU, Chris; N1SXL, Dean; KA1CQR, Chuck; and NG1G, Pat.

Guests in attendance: K1NEF, Jeff

Committee & Officer Reports


Minutes of the previous meeting are on the reflector.


The Treasurer was unable to attend until later. The Immediate Past Treasurer reported informally and discussed the turnover process when the treasury changes hands. Duplicate ledgers were delivered to the new Treasurer and to the Secretary. This duplication recently proved its worth as it was impossible to find the ledger when Ernie, N1SW became a silent key.

New Business

Meeting continued though lunch

There was a wide ranging discussion with little structure. While that would have been repugnant to General Robert it was nevertheless of good value. John and Pat expressed the need to get other members involved in the planning for Boxboro. Ed suggested we try to coordinate a “joint” table at the convention for New England clubs, thus spreading the effort widely enough that every club could afford the time to be represented.

John and Bill discussed the need for a Tech course for first responders.

A number of members indicated an interest in attending Dayton next year. Chuck said his camper would be available if Dean is going. A half dozen people indicated a strong interest in going.

It was decided that we would meet monthly. The Secretary will publish a meeting calendar. Next meeting will be December 5.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:15.

Respectfully submitted.

Ed Haskell, W1PN, Secretary

Minutes of July 27, 2009

Crandall House, Hopkinton RI

Meeting was brought to order at approximately 11:20 am by President John W1AN.

Members in attendance: John, W1AN, Pres; Dean, N1SXL, VP; Ken, K3IU; Bill, N1HRA; Norm, NR1H; Andy, KA1VMG; and Dan, KB1BNO.

Committee & Officer Reports


Minutes of the previous meeting are on the reflector.

W1AN said that the secretary, Ed, W1PN, reported that the meeting place is not available for the next meeting on 12 September. It was decided to postpone the visit of HamCow until a later date. W1AN said that Ed is looking for a new date for the September meeting which is the annual election meeting.


The Treasurer was unable to attend.


Andy, KA1VMG, moved to open nominations for the next meeting’s elections. N1SXL seconded. There was no discussion. The motion passed. Nominations can be made up until a motion to close has been passed, which should occur prior to holding the election.

N1SXL nominated John, W1XX, as Contest Manager

N1HRA nominated Matt, WE1H, as Contest Manager
NR1H nominated Dan, KA1BNO, as Treasurer [Nomination accepted by Dan] N1SXL nominated Norm, NR1H, as Vice President [Nomination accepted by Norm] NR1H nominated Ken, K3IU, as Secretary [Nomination declined by Ken] N1HRA nominated Ed, W1PN, as Secretary

All nominations were seconded.
