New club Contest Manager – Pat NG1G

Congratulations to Pat NG1G who was elected Contest Manager for the CTRI CG at the most recent club meeting this month.  Pat will assume his duties immediately…just in time for CQWW RTTY late this month!  Good luck Pat.

I would like to very enthusiastically thank Ken K3IU for his wonderful work in accurately maintaining the CTRI CG Intra-club Competition contest scores for each active club member throughout my time as C/M.  In addition, Ken posted the scores spreadsheet to the website after the contests for updated viewing by the members.  Outstanding  job Ken  —  Bravo Zulu as we would say in the Navy!

Best of luck to all this new contest season…this may be the last best period for optimum HF condx this solar cycle.

73 and good contesting!

Bill  W1WBB

Meeting Notice, September 7, 2013

It’s that time again. If you are familiar with the interactive meeting notice skip down to “Topics“. This is an interactive meeting notice. What, you may ask, is an interactive meeting notice? As the phrase suggests, it is a meeting notice which requires interaction by the readers. For example: we need to have topics for presentation at the meeting; we need presenters; we need volunteers to provide lunch; we need to know who is coming to the meeting so the quantity of lunch portions may be determined, and so on. This post will be updated as interactions (comments) are appended.


  1. Contest Report
  2. Election of Officers
  3. Dues
  4. Matters Arising

Lunch provider:

Coffee and Drinks by:

Members who will attend: W1PN, K3IU, K1SD, W1XX, K1DM, NG1G

Venue: Crandall House, Ashaway, RI at 10:00 am

CTRI Meeting Saturday @ W1XX

The CTRI Meeting this Saturday, August 10 at 10 AM, is ON.  As usual there is a little work-party catch.  But only a little.  I had hoped to have the 160 vertical ready for this meeting with the all hands on deck approach.  But not so.  Instead. only the 80 meter vertical will be ready for hoisting which takes only about 4 people.  So if a few could get here maybe 20 minutes early we can get the job done in jiffy time:  2 crankers, 1 heavy duty lifter preferably tall (hint hint!), and 1 spotter.  Perhaps we can have the September meeting here for the 160 vertical.  Anyway, the NEW 40 M Yagi, and the homebrew 18/24 MHz duobander on the tower may be of some interest to viewers.  On the agenda, I can speak to the W1AW/x centennial operations.

Address:  48 Shannock Road, South Kingstown.  Tel if you get lost:  401-783-1588.  If approaching on  Rte 1 heading North, take the turn-around after Green Hill Beach Rd  exit in the left lane marked:  “Post Rd Perryville.”  Backtrack 1 mile to RIGHT on Shannock Rd.  3rd driveway on left. Heading south on Rte 1 look  for Shannock Rd RIGHT after all Wakefield, Moonstone Bach, and Perryville signs.  3rd driveway on Left.

Antenna will block the top of driveway so limited parking near top, 1/2 way point, on Shannock Rd next to mailboxes and across the road on Shannock Road.

Eats:  usual hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill on the deck. Please respond to this message to indicate that you expect to be coming.  TNX & 73!!

Your host, John, W1XX

FINAL CTRI Champions Leaderboard 2012-2013

This is the FINAL update of the CTRI Champions Leaderboard for the 2012-2013 contest season. The link following is to a Microsoft Excel (97-2003) spreadsheet. You should be able to download it by clicking on the link.

CTRI Champions Leaderboard FInal 2012-2013

The rules for the competition which have been approved by the membership can be seen at the following link. You might want to review the listing of contest and begin making plans for the 2013-2014 season.

CTRI Champions Rules & Leaderboard

73, Ken K3IU, Keeper of the Leaderboard

NAQP CW Contest

I spent a little bit of time (2+50 according to N1MM) yesterday playing in the NAQP CW contest. The big band seemed to be 15… at least for me. Virtually all S&P. Made a few Qs on 10 and last evening I made those on 40 in about 15 minutes before testing my pillow. I didn’t hear any other RI stations on and people sure were glad to hear a RI station.

Here are my results…

 Band    QSOs     Pts  Sec
    7      37      37   21    0
   14      47      47   27    0
   21      80      80   27    1
   28       4       4    4    0
 Total    168     168   79    1

 Score : 13,440


Hi all,

Hope everyone is surviving the summer heat, keep in mind that CQWW RTTY is 2 months away. I am considering a M/2 from my place to give the W1AN team some competition. Looking for operators, if interested let me know. If there is not enough interest I will SOA once again.


Rick KI1G

EL84 Now on 6

The K4N grid-pedition to rare EL84 is now on 6 meters 50.165.  Location is the Dry Tortugas the western end of the Florida keys approachable only by boat.  They are expected to be on through 10 AM local Monday Jul 15.  I worked ’em this morning with a good signal but in and out.  If you hear Florida stations chances are they will be workable.  GL!  73! — John, W1XX 

WRTC14 Station Test 7/12/2013


I’m going to participate in the WRTC14 Station Test this weekend during the IARU Contest.  I’ll be part of a Beam Team activating 2 stations at the Mansfield, MA, Airport site.

The Beam Team will assemble the antenna and 40′ of Rohn 25G tower, afix the antenna to the prone tower and erect and secure them.  We’ll start Friday 7/12/2013 about 0900 and finish when the 2 stations are done.  Sunday morning 7/14/2013, after the contest ends, we’ll do the reverse.

I’d love to have a couple of CTRI members join me.  If interested, give me a call or drop me an email.

73 James K1SD

Home: 401.884.2654     Cell: 401.225.7303

ARRL Centenial Celebration – W1AW/? QSO Party

ARRL Centenial Celebration – W1AW/? QSP Party

Our request to HQ about operating during the IARU Contest in July with a special “HQ” callsign got us a reply that we’d have to wait several years to get on the list, but that there would be a chance for our club to participate during the ARRL Centenial Celebration in 2014.

John, W1AN, and I received an invitation from Dave Patton, NN1N, to represent Connecticut during the upcoming celebration.  I have included some information from the League web link that Dave sent to us.

John and I have decided that the NEQP weekend would be an amazing weekend to be operating W1AW/1, so we have reserved the week which includes that contest (April 30, 2014 – May 6, 2014).

We are going to need operators so that we can keep the station on-air as much of that week, in as many modes and bands, as possible.  Please put this in your plans for the coming year.  We will probably mount a big effort from John’s QTH, since it is set up for M2, and perhaps more.

Here’s what I stoled from the ARRL link.

In 2014 ARRL and its volunteers will activate W1AW/x in each of the 50 states, territories and possessions. The goal is for the W1AW/ operations to be as active as possible during the Tuesday night local to Wednesday time frames (00Z Weds to 2359Z Tuesday).  All bands and modes may be used. ARRL will offer Worked All States Awards for QSOs made with the W1AW/ portable operations and incentives to work each activation, even if the state has already been worked. There will also be a points-gathering activity, during which W1AW/ portable stations will be worth points.”

“Each week there can be up to two W1AW/ operations from the states and one from a territory.”

“Please use the calendar below to find an open week to operate as W1AW/. It is OK to share the operation with other stations in the state, but try to keep the complexity down — sharing logs over a large network isn’t necessary unless you want to experiment.  HQ will need ADIF files from each county from where an operation occurred.”

“Contest weekends:  We’re not sure yet of the effect on logging programs or log checking if three or four W1AW/ variations are active.  We might have to agree on which activation can use the call during a contest if there are multiple station which want to be on for the contest.  More later.”

I have also reserved the week that will include the WAE DX RTTY contest, which our club seems to enjoy operating.  We could again mount a substantial effort for this one (November 5, 2014 – November 11, 2014).

Let’s make this effort a winner for CTRI Contest Group. Comments are welcome.

73, Mike, K1DM

ARRL Volunteer needed

The league is currently looking for a “Tour Guide” volunteer for the month of July.  I can’t do it since my wife will be going through Chemo-therapy.  The immediate need is for Wednesday mornings 0900 – 1200 for the month of July.

If you are interested, please contact me, and I will make arrangements to get you trained quickly.

The fringe benefits are pretty neat.

73, Mike, K1DM

CTRI Champions Leaderboard – 22 June 2013

This champions leaderboard shows results through those reported for the ARRL June VHF contest. There is only ony one remaining contests for this year’s competition… the CQ WW VHF contest on July 20 – 21. The link in this posting is to a Microsoft Excel (97-2003) spreadsheet. You should be able to download it by clicking on the link.

Champions Leaderboard dtd 22 Jun 2013

Ken K3IU… Keeper of the Leaderboard

QUA K5ZD re presentation at June meeting

Following communication received from K5ZD


Thank you all for your hospitality yesterday.  I enjoyed my first visit to CTRI.  Was good to see the interest in WRTC and hope CTRI can find an interest in helping.

 Let Dave KM3T or I know if you would like us to come back some meeting next winter.

 Randy, K5ZD


Services for KA1VMG’s, mom

It just occurred to me that although I saw Andy’s post on the Yahoo Group regarding services for his mother Toni, that I had not seen it on this site. So I’m reproducing it here for anyone who might want to attend. Bill, N1HRA had notified me of this earlier in the week but I mistook my having seen it on the Yahoo Group for it being here as well. My apologies.

Services will be held at Rushlow-Iacoi Funeral Home at 64 Friendship St, Westerly. Calling time is 9:00 to 10:30 am. Mass will be at St. Mary’s Church in Stonington, CT at 11:00 am. For more information the funeral home’s number is 401-596-2352.

Toni’s obituary can be found here:


Pat, NG1G