This weekend’s activity

Frustrated with HF? If you have 160m, try the “Fall Stew” or just SP, short for the Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge.
It’s a pretty friendly contest. Action doesn’t really start til 5pm or so local, so no conflict with meeting :).

Local times: 11am Sat–11am Sun
Bands: 160m only
Mode: CW only
Exchange: 4 character grid
Multipliers: None
Assistance: None allowed
Scoring: Points based on distance and power levels. 1 pt. for every 500km increment. After log cross-checking, you get double for working an LP station and 4x for working a qrp’er. They have their own web page to display scores, and your score increases as others send in their logs. You get more data about your log than any contest I know of.
Rules: //

Also on: JARTS RTTY which is usually pretty busy, IL and NY QP

Dave K1SX

Meeting Notice

CTRI Contest Group holds its next meeting on Saturday, Oct 19, at 0900 at the North Kingstown (Wickford) Free Library, 100 Boone Street, North Kingstown, 02852.

Agenda: Regular business meeting, reports from committees.

All guests welcome.

Upcoming contests

As your contest manager, if no one objects, I will take some space here , more or less weekly, to point out some of the lesser known activities coming up.

This week’s plug:
Makrothen RTTY Distance Contest
This is not some obscure Bulgarian event, but a California-based, relatively young contest with interesting scoring and op time features. I found some decent activity last year. Scoring by distance gained credibility when it was included in the new WW-Digi contest. The broken-up time periods are a help to those of us who don’t have the oomph to last out a 24 much less a 48 hour BIC marathon.
Local times: 8pm Fri–4am Sat, Noon-8pm Sat, 4am-Noon Sun.
Bands: 80 thru 10
Modes: RTTY
Exchange: 4 char. grid
Multipliers: None
Scoring: Work stations once per band. 1 pt per km distance. 1.5x for 40m and 2x for 80m.
Assistance: Allowed, separate categories

I see that last year I secured CTRI a 94th place finish among 109 clubs.

Also up: Oceania DX CW, Scandinavian Activity Contest SSB

The Steam Up

The Museum of Wireless and Steam will hold its annual Steam Up on 5 October this year. I you haven’t attended, you are really missing a good time. You can get more details at…


73, Ken K3IU

Minutes of Members Meeting – Sept 21, 2019

CTRI Contest Group
Minutes of Meeting Sept. 21, 2019

Meeting Location: N. Kingstown Public Library

Attendees: (14) W1XX, NG1M, K3IU, AB1BX, W1WBB, NZ1I, NA1CN, W1AN, K1JSM, AJ1DM, K1ECU, K1PAD, K1PAM, NG1G

The meeting called to order at 0915 by W1XX, President.
K1JSM was appointed recording secretary for the meeting by the chair.

1. Around the table introductions: name, call, QTH.

2. Officer’s reports: Treasurer & Contest Manager.

3. Donuts & Coffee: next meeting primary donut getter is W1XX; backup is K1JSM.

4. Committee Reports:
W1AN discussed some history re: the scholarship funds.

NG1M presented the scholarship committee’s recommendations, discussion followed. Vote taken and the following approved: the scholarship shall be $1,000 offered every year while funds last, it will be offered through the ARRL to an applicant with a General or Extra license, with first preference to a New England applicant, second preference to any applicant.

NG1G presented the Bylaws Committee’s recommendations for changes having to do with the club’s disbandment and disposition of assets — should that ever become necessary. Discussion followed with suggestions offered. Taking these under advisement, in accordance with the C & BL, the recommendations will be revisited at the next meeting and MAY be presented for approval of the membership.

5. Election of officers for 2020. The following were elected:
President, Charlie Estabrooks, K1ECU
Vice President, Bill Bliss, W1WBB
Secretary, Pat Atwood, NG1G
Treasurer, Mike Visich, NG1M
Contest Manager, Dave Eckerson, K1SX

Meeting adjourned at 1115.
Submitted by J. Mills, K1JSM

WB2VVV – ARRL September VHF Contest Score – 2019

WB2VVV was QRV from home in FN41CR (Foster), and submitted the following score:


Total # Grids worked: 50
Total # QSOs: 113
Total Score: 8350

Single Op – Low Power Category

There was no E-Skip on 6 meters. Sunday morning did have decent Tropo down the coast as far as FM08, which was worked on 144 and 432 MHz as those were the only bands available to work at W4IY in FM08.

One interesting station worked was W3BFC who was operating remotely from his home in a retirement community with his remoted IC-7100 2 meter transmitter in FM28 putting out 50 Watts on SSB at the base of a 500′ tower with a small omnidirectional horizontal polarization antenna at the top of the tower, fed with some 500 feet of 7/8 inch Heliax, so only 25 Watts getting to the antenna. He had a pile-up going as FM28 is a rare and needed multiplier. He will be running a net on Saturday nights at 9:30 PM for those interested in checking into FM28.

I uploaded an image of my small rooftop antenna array used for VHF/UHF Contests. It’s all on one mast to aim at the station I’m working on as many bands as possible.
73, Chris, WB2VVV


SAC CW This Weekeend

This weekend (Saturday 12z -Sunday 12z) SAC CW will take place.
Get on the air and work some Scandinavians!
Complete rules at

I will be on as SM5DXT M/S.
Will be running LP so look for a weak signal!!
Find us and work us on as many bands as possible!
Looking forward to work lots of CTRI stations!

Lars, KE1J

Members Meeting

Saturday’s Sept 21 meeting, 9 – 11 AM at the NK Library venue as usual. Important business meeting: Reports and recommendations from both the Scholarship and Constitution/By-Laws Committees.

Also ELECTION OF OFFICERS. If you are not there, you will be an officer in 2020!
Please consider offering your services to the club. Coffee/Donuts.

*URGENT* Team members sought – CW Open (Sat Sept 7: 00-04z, 12-16z, 20-24z)

All –

It has come to my attention that a significant number of club members are active operators via the CW mode (incl. a number of newer members). With the popular annual CW Open just a week away I’d like to encourage participation in this fun event (put on by the worthy CWOps organization) by entering a CTRI Contest Group team [maximum 10 team participants].

The contest occurs over three short 4-hour sessions starting this coming Friday eve (00z-04z on Saturday) with sessions two and three occurring 12-16z and 20-24z on Saturday. Team member participation can be for as much or as little as one can provide (ie. all 3 sessions or just part of one session). * No pressure* re: activity… would just like to get as near to ten available club members to be active on our team. Of course, increased team member participation (in more than one session) will add to our team final score. Additional event info is found here:

Contact me NLT Friday Sept 6 (by 2300z please) if interested in joining the team (membership in CWOps is NOT required for participation): wbliss1[at]cox[dot]net

Just for info — weekly CWOps Mini-Tests (good ‘live’ practice) are held each Wednesday at three separate times for an hour apiece…1300z, 1900z and 0300z (Thursday), utilizing a slightly different exchange.

TNX es 73! Bill W1WBB, CWOps #2207