Summary Minutes of Feb 2, 2019 Meeting
The experiment to hold a meeting in “East Bay” was a tremendous success. The Aquidneck Island Transmitting Team (AI1TT) hosted the meeting at a first class venue – the Portsmouth Library. Attending (from memory): NG1G, K3IU, W1WBB, AB1BX, NA1CN, W1MBF, K1SX, KC1AYQ, W1XX (in the chair), and first time attendees AC1AC and WA1BXY who were subsequently voted into membership. (If I forgot anyone please correct in “comments”)
W1XX reported on KE1J returning to SM-land re his Dad’s illness. Our thoughts are with Lars.
NG1G reported on the Field Day thank you letter from Skyscrapers.
NG1G reported out the “Challenge Committee” report with visual presentation. Upshot: IX-NAY.
W1XX presented the Treasurer’s report.
W1WBB raised the question of CTRI participation in YOTA (Youngsters on the Air) which was well received. W1XX appointed a committee of W1WBB (chair), W1MBF, and K1ECU to explore and report back at a subsequent meeting with recommendations.
An informal round of “contest tips” was presented. This could be continued at a later date.
NG1G gave an impassioned plea for more topics to be presented at meetings. This so hit the mark that the following volunteered to present the following topics at upcoming meetings:
Fox Hunting 101 by NA1CN
Portable Antennas by W1MBF
FT8 by K1SX
Operating in 6W by AA1AC
Already scheduled is WB4SON on Satellites for the Apr 20 meeting in N. Kingstown. Also on hold is a KE1J presentation on computer tools to maximize your score.
NG1G then gave an entertaining visual presentation on Samuel (Fine Business) Morse – a famous painter artist and why he invented the Code we so utilize. Applause.
Next meeting is March 9. See calendar for venue details.
Most then retired to “Foodworks” for breakfast/luncheon and ragchewing.
Respectfully submitted.
John Lindholm, W1XX