Is there some sort of a database for members scores posted to contests?
Bob W1IG
Is there some sort of a database for members scores posted to contests?
Bob W1IG
Not to distract from the contest results, but late last week I could hear V84SAA at our sunset, near the noise but readable. I’ve done very little on 160, but It just seemed so freakish to me. That had to be long path, and my inv-L is pretty noisy. He was calling NA but despite the huge pileup, hearing no one unfortunately. Is that as extraordinary as I think it is?
2019 ARRL DX Contest, CW - 2019 Call: W1DX Operator(s): W1AN Station: W1AN Class: SO Unlimited HP QTH: CT Operating Time (hrs): ~30~ Summary: Band QSOs Mults ------------------- 160: 173 68 80: 311 84 40: 469 100 20: 542 106 15: 302 80 10: ------------------- Total: 1797 438 Total Score = 2,354,688 Club: CT RI Contest Group
I ended up running Single Op Unlimited. Loved every bit. I was even able to get out of bed before dawn both mornings to check on Pacific and Asian possibilities on 160M. Sixty-two countries on 160 the first night! I hope some of you enjoyed the experience. Low bands were great. Virtually no noise. I was surprised to catch a great 15M opening to EU on Sunday. I never checked 10M so, if I didn’t know better I would say sunspots have returned. Amazing number of QRP stations. Even a couple on 160. Check out Q-Machine KI1G results on 3830. He is still in his prime! I don’t know how he does it. Congrats Rick. Heard briefly W1XX and KS1J.
73, John W1AN
I worked the Russian Naval Cruiser AURORA this morning on 20M. Call is RF1A/MM. Interesting. Supposedly a museum ship in tow for repairs. Anybody remember amateur radio operating on a US Navy vessel during routine sea missions? Probably a no-no for Russia as well. So I had to google the AURORA. to see what was up. “Some” of our club members may want to pass on making contact, in any case.
73, John W1AN
Check out’s home page. I don’t think they stay up there for long but as of 2328z Weds. there he is.
Another fun contest the ARRL DX CW is fast approaching. February is always a tough month scheduling and preparing for multiple big contests. I am now getting ready and looking forward to chair time this coming weekend. W1DX will be active as a Multi-2. Don’t be shy. All members invited!
73, John W1AN
Summary Minutes of Feb 2, 2019 Meeting
The experiment to hold a meeting in “East Bay” was a tremendous success. The Aquidneck Island Transmitting Team (AI1TT) hosted the meeting at a first class venue – the Portsmouth Library. Attending (from memory): NG1G, K3IU, W1WBB, AB1BX, NA1CN, W1MBF, K1SX, KC1AYQ, W1XX (in the chair), and first time attendees AC1AC and WA1BXY who were subsequently voted into membership. (If I forgot anyone please correct in “comments”)
W1XX reported on KE1J returning to SM-land re his Dad’s illness. Our thoughts are with Lars.
NG1G reported on the Field Day thank you letter from Skyscrapers.
NG1G reported out the “Challenge Committee” report with visual presentation. Upshot: IX-NAY.
W1XX presented the Treasurer’s report.
W1WBB raised the question of CTRI participation in YOTA (Youngsters on the Air) which was well received. W1XX appointed a committee of W1WBB (chair), W1MBF, and K1ECU to explore and report back at a subsequent meeting with recommendations.
An informal round of “contest tips” was presented. This could be continued at a later date.
NG1G gave an impassioned plea for more topics to be presented at meetings. This so hit the mark that the following volunteered to present the following topics at upcoming meetings:
Fox Hunting 101 by NA1CN
Portable Antennas by W1MBF
FT8 by K1SX
Operating in 6W by AA1AC
Already scheduled is WB4SON on Satellites for the Apr 20 meeting in N. Kingstown. Also on hold is a KE1J presentation on computer tools to maximize your score.
NG1G then gave an entertaining visual presentation on Samuel (Fine Business) Morse – a famous painter artist and why he invented the Code we so utilize. Applause.
Next meeting is March 9. See calendar for venue details.
Most then retired to “Foodworks” for breakfast/luncheon and ragchewing.
Respectfully submitted.
John Lindholm, W1XX
The CQ WPX RTTY contest is fast approaching. The station will be setup for Mult-2 Part-time or all out operators needed! Let me know if you will be in able to put in some hours!
73 John W1AN
Be sure to attend CTRI’s first “East Bay” meeting this coming Saturday at 9:30 AM. Venue: The “Michael Mello Program Room” at the Portsmouth Library, 2658 East Main Rd., Portsmouth, RI 02871. Visitors welcome. Coffee/donuts as always.
AGENDA: (1) The usual officers’ reports
(2) Report of the “Challenge” Committee
(3) Hints & Kinks of Contesting: A roundtable exchange of contesting techniques. Bring your ideas for sharing in the discussion.
(4) Matters arising
Note the separate posting of the “informal lunch” by W1WBB. CU then. 73!
Hey All –
Just a heads-up for *after* the scheduled 09:30am CTRI meeting this Sat… esp. for the weary travelers coming ALL THE WAY over the bridges to the East Bay — a few of us plan to grab brunch/lunch just a 1/4 mi. away at Foodworks Restaurant (2461 East Main Rd., Portsmouth RI) in the small banquet dining room. If you would like to join us for a meal at the restaurant please RSVP to me ASAP ( so I can give Foodworks a head count. Approximate restaurant arrival time guesstimate is about 11:15-11:30 am, dependent on meeting length. Look forward to seeing some of you “On-Island”!
Safe travels… 73! Bill W1WBB
Well…The antennas are back up! Ice and trees took a toll on them and the second day of the VHF contest was null…Thanks Mother Nature..any way..ready to go for the 160 contest at 5 watts. Hope to work some of the group…Thanks Bob W1IG
Well…The antennas are back up! Ice and trees took a toll on them and the second day of the VHF contest was null…Thanks Mother Nature..any way..ready to go for the 160 contest at 5 watts. Hope to work some of the group…Thanks Bob W1IG
I have been busy this winter learning CW and studying to get my license upgraded. I came across this article which many will find of interest and hope to see you at the next meeting.
The next members meeting will be Sat Jan 12 at 9 AM.
Venue: T’s Restaurant, 91 Point Judith Rd, Narragansett, RI 02882
1. Breakfast is Dutch treat.
2. Since we have a reserved room with an “expected” head count, please try to attend.
3. If you have any difficulty in finding “T’s,” it’s in the Salt Pond Plaza across from Stop & Shop.
94 q’s, 627 points raw score. Best: G3BJ 33 points, K6XX 27 pts (including x3 for qrp).
3h 45m op time
5 watts to a 65’/65′ inverted L with 16 65′ radials (originally intended for 80m).
Did anyone give this a try? I worked AB1BX in Warren but didn’t hear anyone else.
This contest is one of my favorites even tho 160 is not very qrp-friendly. The best part is that you get rewarded for taking the time to work QRP stations by a 4x multiplier, so I don’t feel like such a pest :). The other unusual feature is that your score grows as everyone submits logs and you get those credits. Although you probably don’t pull ahead of anyone. The downside is they post your longest qso, and the pressure is on for it to be someone other than K1LT.
Anyway last year I worked 5 in Eu but this year I wasn’t getting heard. G3BJ was not the strongest (probably due to 400w limit there) but he had the patience to stay with it for my only one. Lots of Europeans were called, even RW7K, just not quite workable. US conditions seemed better though and I got several 4 & 5 pointers and K6XX, who must have some remarkable rx capability because he was pretty weak here. The activity in this is pretty amazing considering it’s CW only and with all the frustrations of 160, like noise and the mysterious large antenna systems. A lot of qrp entries. Many others outscored me with seemingly no better antenna systems than mine so more research seems to be needed! —
Dave K1SX