Call: K1JSM
Operator(s): K1JSM
Station: K1JSM

Operating Time (hrs): 20
Location: USA
Club: CT RI Contest Group


Band	QSOs	
40:	61	
20:	214	
Total:	275		Total Score	92,655

Please Post your CQ WW RTTY Scores

Call: W1DX
Operator(s): W1AN
Station: W1AN

Class: SO(A)AB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 19
Location: USA
Club: CT RI Contest Group


Band	QSOs	State/Prov	DX	Zones
80:	85	31	        17	7
40:	318	45	        44	14
20:	447	35	        72	23
15:	119	6	        42	16
Total:	969	117	        175	60	Total Score	745,536

This was the first contest after nearby lightning took out the K3, several PC’s, TV, Tivo and maybe undiscovered as of yet electronics. This was to be a burn in/trial run of the K3 after replacing the IO boards. The main shack logging PC lost two Com ports in the hit so I reconfigured to use its spares. All appeared well at contest kickoff, but it soon became clear later the PC would not accept audio, locked upped repeatedly, and after several reboots acted as if it was possessed. I had enough for the first night and in the morning and after changing out the PC and transferring the log all was “well” for the remainder except for S9 noise and intermittent internet. Happily the K3 survived the burn-in.

Enjoyed the contest and the Patriots game and others on Sunday. RTTY lets you do that!

Boxboro W1AN and W1XX Saturday

Posted on September 1, 2018 by W1AN 
We plan on being in the flea market space sometime around Saturday Sept 8th at 9:00 AM. Look for the intelligent looking guys in the red shirts by the white Ford van. Stuff to sell? Bring it. Mark it up with call and price. Leaving for home no later than 5:00PM.
73, John W1AN

Antenna Help Needed Sat. Aug. 18

RAIN…RAIN…RAIN…enemy number 1 of antenna work. Ten hearty CTRI members showed up this past Saturday for a club meeting/antenna raising.  Guess which didn’t get done?

CTRI Contest Group is a helping hand bunch.  It was decided to try again this Saturday, August 18 at 9 AM at the W1XX QTH, 48 Shannock Rd., South Kingstown.  My 160 meter vertical thanks you!

It shouldn’t take over an hour. It takes 3 “crankers” on the winches, guy rope holders, and spotters.  Not hard to do, but several folks needed for success.  Hardhats recommended.  We will celebrate with a BBQ.

So no one makes the trip in vain, your affirmative RSVP reply needed here in comments, email to w1xx[at]cox[dot]net, or voice message at 401-783-1588.  I know some can’t make it…certainly understandable.  If we have enough manpower committed, and the weather holds up, we’re a GO. If we don’t have enough folks to do the job or the weather looks unfavorable, by 7 AM Saturday I will post a CANCEL comment to this thread on the website, ctri[DOT]club.

73! — John, W1XX 8/13/2018


CTRI Meeting Saturday Aug. 11 @ W1XX QTH

The CTRI Contest Group will hold its August meeting this coming Saturday August 11 at 9:00 AM at the QTH of W1XX, 48 Shannock Road, South Kingstown, RI.  Agenda:  Field Day results analysis; upcoming contests.

Your host requests an early arrival at 8:30 AM for the somewhat annual raising of the 160 meter vertical that took a storm hit last March.  Your help would be very much appreciated.  It takes several hands to man the 3 boat trailer winches and guy ropes to assure success.

Suggest parking on Shannock Road as the driveway will be blocked at the top by the antenna.  Sorry… rope tow transportation to the top of hill not presently operational.  Hardhats (extras if you got ’em) recommended.

Hot dogs (Saugys of course) and hamburgers on the grill post meeting.

Please join us.  Members and  guests welcome. 401-783-1588 if you get lost. 73!  — John, W1XX

KE1S 2018 Field Day Log Analysis

KE1S 2018 Field Day Log Analysis

By John Lindholm, W1XX

Objective:  (1) Break down the log mathematically to see if there are things we can do better in the future. (2) Analyze the performance of the antennas.

Caveats:  (1) Since it is an objective of our Field Day to get everyone involved, there is a certain “training” aspect of the operation.  This has an effect on the “numbers.”  (2)  There are numerous “variables” that cannot readily be taken into account:  operator skill; nighttime operations which tend to slow down results; break times; propagation vagaries; cross station interference; radio and operator malfus; modal proficiency difference;  etc. (3) Nonetheless, there is sufficient data to draw some general conclusions.


Overall Numbers:

 (1) Total QSOs by KE1S = 1470 + 22 GOTA QSOs by W1DX = 1492 Total QSOs.  This analysis disregards QSOs by W1DX and 6 meter QSOs.  We consider only 2 stations; QSOs/hr are per station.

(2) Total hours on SSB = 22.8; total hours on CW = 17.2.  Total on-the-air time = 40.0 hours.  FD = 24 hours  x 2 stations = 48 hours.  Thus we “wasted” a total on 8 hours.

(3)  SSB QSOs/hr= 31.2.  CW QSOs/hr = 42.0.  Total QSOs/ hr = 35.3.


Total Per Band Numbers:

Band  QSOs  QSOs/hr

80       315     28.1

40       369     36.5

20       503     37.2

15       225     43.3

6          58       N/A

TOT    1470  35.3


Total Per Band/Mode Numbers:

Band  CW     QSOs/hr        SSB     QSOs/hr

80       55       45.8               260     26.0

40       303     37.4               66       33.0

20       207     40.5               296     35.2

15       158     56.4               67       27.9


Hex-Beam v. 20/40 Wire Performance:

Performance comparison of the Hex-Beam v. the 4-element 20 meter portion of the 40/20 wire (henceforth referred to as the “wire”) pertains only to 20 meters where both can operate.

  1. 20 meters SSB on the Hex from 2 PM start – 3: 50  = 1.8 hrs for 58 Qs @ 32.2 Qs/hr.  Wire was being repaired during this time.
  2. From 3:48 PM – 4:43 = .9 hrs.  20 CW on wire = 53 Qs/hr. 20 SSB on Hex = 22 Qs/hr.
  3. From 3:48 – 6:47 = 3 hrs. 20 CW on wire =34 Qs/hr. 20 meters SSB on Hex  from 2 PM start – 4:43 = 2.7 hrs = 28.8 Qs/hr.
  4. Difficult to draw any conclusions here as cross station interference was significant. More on this subject later.


First Time on 40 Meters CW:

First time on 40 CW on the “wire” was from 6:47 PM  — 12:18 AM  with 272 QSOs in 5.5 hrs = 49.5/hr.


More Hex v. Wire Comparison on 20 Meters During Sunday Daybreak

During the best run of the contest – from 7:20 AM to 8:37 – Pat NG1G  had 91 QSOs on 20 meter SSB on the Hex for a rate of 81/hr during the 1.12 hour span.


Because 15 meters was showing promise at this time, Pat was switched to the wire for 20 meter SSB while the Hex went to 15.  What was the effect and was it a good move?


20 SSB now operated on the wire.  Using the next 1.12 hour span for comparison to the previous 1.12 hour period on the hex = 55 Qs @ 49.0/hr.  Clearly a drop.  But meanwhile, the Hex now on 15 meter mostly CW for the same 1.12 time period = 67 QSOs @ 60/hr.


The Hex remained on 15 to the end at 2 PM (with two dead periods) for 4.7 hrs,

211 QSOs @ 44.9/hr.



  • The Hex-Beam really works! It would take little extra effort to get it up another 10 – 15 feet where it might play even better.
  • On Sunday morning, we switched 20 SSB from the Hex to the wire. As a result, Pat felt that the hex played better than the wire. He’s right. The rate dropped from the off-the-charts 81 to 49. But was this caused by his initially being “fresh meat” as the band opened?  We’ll never know but obviously the subsequent 15 meter performance made it the right move.  And the wire rate of 49/ hr was still way more than the average SSB rate.
  • The 40/20 wire played really well on 40 CW a bread-n-butter band – lesser so on SSB. 40 SSB is a tough QRM band.  It may not have played quite as well on 20 as the Hex.
  • We had 260 QSOs on 80 meter SSB at a rate of only 26.0/hr. That was 10.0 hours of graveyard shift working hosts of “please copy” operators. Since the CW rate was 45.8/hr. in only 1.2 hours of operating, we could have used more CW operators on the graveyard shift. The 80 meter antenna did work very well.
  • While on the graveyard shift, we could have used a K3 and N1MM expert to better handle a couple of midnight malfus.
  • Fifteen meters really played well on the Hex. Maybe 10 meters next year?
  • There was a nice 6 meter E-skip run to the Midwest from about 3:15 – 3:45 Saturday afternoon. Only occasional stray groundwave Qs after that. 58 Total Qs. Luck plays an important role on this band.
  • To operate same band different modes – such as 20 CW and SSB at the start of the contest – we need band filters.
  • GOTA: Unless we have an overnight operator, the only antenna we need is for 20 and probably a better antenna if we are to make hay here. We may need a better transceiver here.

(10) Satellite:  Good effort this year.  Next year pay dirt.

Comments:  Comments are solicited here and at the next club meeting August 11.
















2018 CQ WW VHF Contest

Call:  W1XX (W1XX op)

Class:  SOAB HP

Band  QSOs   Mults

6         377       136

2          68         22

Total   445       158  Score:  81,054

Comments: Very good condx late Saturday afternoon and early evening.  Lots of DM, DN, CM grids far west QSOs several with California on 6 meters.  Best was VA6AN (no relationship to W1AN) in DO42.  Sunday AM nice QSO to XE2JS in DL68.  Refurbished antennas here looking pretty good.

Worked K1SX and W1AN.  Anybody else on?


IARU HF Championship

I think the last time I spent any time in this 24 hour contest was as W1XX/OH0 and it was known as the “Radiosport” championship.  I didn’t know what I’ve been missing.  This is a neat contest coinciding with the every 4-year WRTC emanating in 2018 from DL-land.  You can choose CW, SSB or both.  I chose both or mixed.  Operating off and on around family activity.  I never ran out of QSOs. Working the IARU member society HQ stations is kinda neat as they exchange the society abbreviation — like ARRL — in the exchange.  Otherwise IARU zone number is exchanged ours being “8.”

I made 502 QSOs with a near even split between CW and SSB with a zones multiplier of 52 and HQ mults of 74 and a total score of 170, 604 points.  Not at the head of the class but shows up respectably on 3830Scores. Gave me a chance to test out my refurbished 40meter Yagi and it honked.  Pileups to my CQ  on 20 and 40 SSB were hip deep which is really fun.

I didn’t realize who the WRTC participants were until I started working a slew of Y8#x calls with the 1-letter suffix.  Yep, that was them.  Fun to work picturing these folks in a tent somewhere in Germany on a Hex-beam.  Yes, a hex-beam and they had great signals with 100 watts.

I see scores were posted by K1SX and KS1J…so I suspect that other club members gave this at least a bit of a try.  If so, post your scores and experiences here.

TI-2 Operating W1AW

I’m spending this week with six other teachers at the ARRL HQ learning about remote sensing, satellite comms, and other fun RF topics at the Teacher’s Institute. We will likely be operating the W1AW station while we’re here6, possibly tomorrow, perhaps during the lunch hour 12-1 pm. Some of us will operate SSB, which I’ve done once, so I plan to ask Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, if I can operate CW. I post this for any of you who happen to be interested and available to respond to our CQ’s. We will likely beam toward the southwest, but I’m sure some of your stations will be 59+ on the side lobes. 73!


Pre-Field Day Notes

Be sure to check the FD Menu posting by our Commissary Guru.

Is anyone available for about an hour on Wednesday morning at 10 AM to help me with a couple of on site chores at Seagrave? I would meet you there.  Please comment here or email to w1xx [AT] cox [DOT] net or call 401-783-1588.  Sorry for short notice.

Good News Dept:  We are expected to be joined on FD by Bart Jahnke, W9JJ, the ARRL Contest Manager.

FD Menu

Hello All CTRI FD Warriors!

From yesterday’s meeting the following people are signed up for FD and what they are bringing:


Charlie  K1ECU

Ken        K3IU                                     Cookies for Lunch

John      W1XX                                   SAUGY DOGS for Lunch

Dean     K1HSY

Jon        KC1FUU                               Chips (little individual bags worked well last FD)

Tim        KC1AYQ                               Something Chinese for Lunch

John      K1JSM                                  Salad for Dinner

Molly     KC1FTO

Jim         KS1J                                    Side Dish for Dinner

John      W1AN

Pat         NG1G                                  Baked Beans (with pot) for Lunch

Mike      NG1M

Mike      K1DM                                  Dessert for Dinner

Jaz         K1SD

For a TOTAL of 14.

Please let me know if I got something wrong.  Lars has offered rolls & side salads from B.GOOD.

I am assuming EVERYONE will attend Saturday Lunch & Dinner – if not please let me know!


I need an accurate head count before buying groceries:

BURGERS & DOGS (W1XX) & rolls for Lunch AND Steak & Chicken & Potatoes for Dinner.


PLEASE LET ME KNOW!  Best approach is to email me:  visich4zoo@nullgmail.com


Mike Visich

FD Cook & the NEW NG1M



June ARRL VHF Contest Results

WB2VVV was QRV for the June ARRL VHF Contest in the Single Op Unassisted Low Power Category.

Log as submitted:

MHZ   Grids   QSOs
50       81    174
144      14     30
222       8     12
432       7      9
903       4      4
1296      3      3
Total   118    233
Score: 31,239

Thanks to those members whose QSOs made it into my log! It was certainly nice to see 6 meters open to the West and South on Sunday with varying Sporadic E Skip. I was also pleased to be able able to hear 2 stations clearly on 2304 MHz but just didn’t have enough transmitter to be heard with only 5 Watts of the allowed 50 Watts.

73, Chris WB2VVV