Strategies for CQ WW WPX SSB this weekend?

Any of you “HP grey beards” have any suggestions for us Little Pistols? Other than call CQ often?

Start at 2000 Friday or wait? Single operator has a 36 hour limit
Focus on Europe?
How to track the maximum number of band changes (10) over a 60 minute period?
Wear to point the beam when?
Switch bands with the Grayline over Europe?

quarantined Inquiring Minds want to know!

YCCC RI area social

Charlie N1RR is planning a YCCC dinner in the Bristol/Tiverton area. He’s trying to pick a suitable date. Contact him directly for info.

— Dave K1SX


Here’s my result of activity in the contest this past weekend. I had about 8.5 hours of BIC time pretty evenly divided between Saturday and Sunday. Heard several members in the pileups.
73, Ken K3IU

              ARRL DX Contest, CW - 2020

Call: K3IU
Operator(s): K3IU
Station: K3IU

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 8.5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:    0     0
   80:    6     6
   40:  121    54
   20:  196    53
   15:   43    23
   10:    0     0
Total:  366   136  Total Score = 149,328

Club: CT RI Contest Group


About 4-5 hours op time. Ran the FT-817 into the Alpha Delta DX-LB with N1MM logging it. 40 Only QRP.

Band QSOs Pts Cty Pt/Q
7 Mhz 75 225 28 3.0
Total 75 225 28 3.0
Score: 6,300
1 Mult = 2.7 Q’s

Bob W1IG


I have a 5 Section Tower with all the hardware. It is 45 Feet high with the Pole. sections are 8 feet. Still cradled together. Never put up. Looking for 3 Sections of Rohn 45 and the top piece. The picture show what it looks like. If you have an interest I will take real pics. Even Swap!
Thanks Bob W1IG

DMX-68AN-2 DMX-68AN-1.jpg

2020 WPX RTTY Results de K3IU

I certainly wasn’t full time in this contest putting only about 10 hours of BIC time. For me, 20 meters was the big band with little activity on 15 and none on 10. I did work VK9NK on 40 which was a big hit for me. Also worked other VKs and a couple KH6 on 20.

Here’s the result…

   Club/Team : CTRI Contest Group
    Software : N1MM Logger+ 1.0.8131.0

        Band     QSOs     Pts  WPX  Pt/Q
         3.5      25       52   10   2.1
           7      94      272   56   2.9
          14     231      518  179   2.2
          21      29       46   14   1.6
       Total     379      888  259   2.3

            Score : 229,992


About 2 Hours of OP time
First contest in quite a while.

CLUB: CTRI Contest Group
CREATED-BY: N1MM Logger+ 1.0.8131.0
QSO: 21000 RY 2020-02-09 1813 W1IG 599 0001 KS7AA 599 1921
QSO: 14087 RY 2020-02-09 1823 W1IG 599 0002 KS7AA 599 1946
QSO: 14088 RY 2020-02-09 1826 W1IG 599 0003 N4BP 599 1053
QSO: 14090 RY 2020-02-09 1829 W1IG 599 0004 WD5DBV 599 0143
QSO: 14091 RY 2020-02-09 1838 W1IG 599 0005 AA2MF 599 1231
QSO: 14093 RY 2020-02-09 1840 W1IG 599 0006 WW5M 599 1070
QSO: 14095 RY 2020-02-09 1842 W1IG 599 0007 KD7RUS 599 0117
QSO: 14101 RY 2020-02-09 1850 W1IG 599 0008 K2ADA 599 1186
QSO: 14103 RY 2020-02-09 1853 W1IG 599 0009 NE2CC 599 1045
QSO: 14105 RY 2020-02-09 1903 W1IG 599 0010 KZ0US 599 0803
QSO: 14107 RY 2020-02-09 1904 W1IG 599 0011 AB0LR 599 0944
QSO: 14107 RY 2020-02-09 1907 W1IG 599 0012 VA7ST 599 0735
QSO: 14111 RY 2020-02-09 1915 W1IG 599 0013 K9CT 599 1156
QSO: 14112 RY 2020-02-09 1917 W1IG 599 0014 KY4DBY 599 0374
QSO: 14113 RY 2020-02-09 1919 W1IG 599 0015 N0IRM 599 0419
QSO: 14115 RY 2020-02-09 1927 W1IG 599 0016 N7NM 599 0509
QSO: 14115 RY 2020-02-09 1954 W1IG 599 0017 KK6VIX 599 0001
QSO: 14116 RY 2020-02-09 1957 W1IG 599 0018 NX0I 599 0946
QSO: 14119 RY 2020-02-09 2000 W1IG 599 0019 KF7U 599 1116
QSO: 14120 RY 2020-02-09 2002 W1IG 599 0020 P49X 599 3033
QSO: 14122 RY 2020-02-09 2024 W1IG 599 0021 AC0C 599 1637
QSO: 14123 RY 2020-02-09 2030 W1IG 599 0022 NC0DX 599 0906
QSO: 14125 RY 2020-02-09 2031 W1IG 599 0023 VA7KO 599 0869
QSO: 14132 RY 2020-02-09 2104 W1IG 599 0024 KI6RRN 599 0846
QSO: 14087 RY 2020-02-09 2110 W1IG 599 0025 WB5BHS 599 0650
QSO: 14089 RY 2020-02-09 2113 W1IG 599 0026 K0TC 599 0282
QSO: 14090 RY 2020-02-09 2116 W1IG 599 0027 W7VXS 599 0240
QSO: 14095 RY 2020-02-09 2129 W1IG 599 0028 K7WP 599 0576
QSO: 14097 RY 2020-02-09 2134 W1IG 599 0029 K4QD 599 0033
QSO: 7047 RY 2020-02-09 2139 W1IG 599 0030 N4CW 599 0299
QSO: 7049 RY 2020-02-09 2212 W1IG 599 0031 K4XL 599 0868
QSO: 7055 RY 2020-02-09 2232 W1IG 599 0032 ZF2WF 599 2446
QSO: 7069 RY 2020-02-09 2322 W1IG 599 0033 IT9RGY/4 599 1251
QSO: 7070 RY 2020-02-09 2325 W1IG 599 0034 SX2I 599 2027
QSO: 7089 RY 2020-02-09 2353 W1IG 599 0035 K9CT 599 1320
QSO: 7092 RY 2020-02-09 2354 W1IG 599 0036 AA2MF 599 1509
QSO: 7095 RY 2020-02-09 2356 W1IG 599 0037 NC0DX 599 1005

Big Wind Friday

We hope everyone survived the big wind storm yesterday. We were lucky here. Lost power about 3 PM and not restored until 9 AM this morning. The ProJo indicated that South Kingstown/Charlestown took the brunt of it. It was pretty scary. The 160 vertical bent in the wind but survived in perfect shape. The 40 meter Yagi was bending pretty good but heading the tower at 90 degrees to the wind avoided any damage., A big tree at the top of the driveway snapped taking down the 30 meter delta loop…actually a good thing as it cleared space for it to go back up higher/better later. Again, hope everyone was as lucky. We gotta be ready for all the contests coming up. 73 ! — John, W1XX

CQ 160 CW results



9.5 hours, not necessarily at the best times
Genesis G11 SDR, homebrew SSPA, inv L 65-65′ w/16 radials
I actually got the SSPA heat sink hot for the first time 🙂

Still on the learning curve for how to do a 160m contest well. I made a big improvement over last year with only a few more q’s, by concentrating on mults and higher point values.
I had 19 ten-pointers. But other NE ops outscored me anyway, with much higher qso numbers. Some 3830 posters are excited about the great conditions, but to me they were mediocre to average, with deep qsb that cost a number of points. Sat. was better definitely. The crashes were luckily only occasional with the storm. I had a couple ok runs–I held down 1802.3 for a long time at one point, K3LR move over! But my runs didn’t attract the Eu callers that some seem to find. Or were they calling and I heard nothing? In the big picture I think I need more balance of running, easy s&p and the digging. Maybe a beverage can happen this spring–but that might have me calling even more stns that can’t hear me.

I heard KL7SB faintly–that was a first. CR3W was the strongest Eu throughout. I wasted a lot of calls on the very loud FM5–no luck. Yet some very weak stns also heard me.

Other members heard or wkd–AB1BX patiently running up higher in the band, W1WBB doing qrp (I’ve sworn off for 160 Bill!) , W1XX, W1HI, KA1J, W1CTN. Ri gets you some attention in this one.
73, Dave K1SX