K1ECU asked what the ARRL’s Eligibility List is, and how it is being managed. W1WBB and NG1G, knowing the answers to both questions but being cagey about it, politely obliged each other to respond. To summarize what W1WBB said, the Eligibility List is a list (duh) of an ARRL-affiliated club’s members who are eligible (also duh) to enter League-sponsored contests and have their scores counted for their club. As such, it does not apply to CQ-sponsored contests, or anyone else’s for that matter. The two times it should be updated is either right before an ARRL-sponsored contest, or when there has been a change in membership, such as a member being added, or disabled, deleted, or deactivated (or any other “d” verb with negative connotations we might inflict upon a member). W1WBB edits the list from within an application on the ARRL’s web site, and then NG1G receives an email in which he clicks on a link to validate the list.
W1WBB then gave an excellent presentation on the half-square antenna, which led to many interesting questions and discussion, and to the secretary wishing he’d spent more time paying attention in geometry class. (“Isn’t half a square a rectangle?”)
K1ECU invited the membership to think about presenting topics at future meetings. W1XX mentioned that Richard, K1MD, will soon be presenting on a topic (that the secretary neglected to write down, but which no doubt will entertain and inform the members). NG1G volunteered to present something at a future meeting, but he has no idea what it will be about or if he will actually do it.
At this point, the secretary recommended to the president that at future meetings he (the secretary, not the president) should read the minutes from the last meeting, and warned members that he (again, the secretary, not the president) would be employing humor in the minutes (in order to direct the members’ attention away from the fact that the secretary doesn’t pay enough attention during meetings to accurately record what was said). K1ECU agreed that reading the minutes would be a good thing, apparently not realizing that one should never give the secretary an opportunity to read anything he has written. The secretary also reminded the members of the last meeting’s election results: K1ECU, president; W1WBB, vice president; NG1M, treasurer; K1SX, contest manager, and NG1G, secretary. W1XX is the immediate (and future) past president.
NG1M gave the treasurer’s report, in which he stated the club has $8,475 in its account, and that due to the recent change in the Bylaws, he can no longer afford to take a vacation to the Cayman Islands. As a reminder, the club is donating $1,000 per year to the ARRL’s scholarship foundation in memory of Chris, KA1GEU.
Due to K1SX’s absence, K1ECU gave the contest manager’s report. CQWW Phone is next weekend, and the ARRL Sweepstakes CW contest is 2-4 November. W1AN will have his station open if anyone wants to join in a multi-op effort, in which W1WBB expressed an interest. Anyone else?
Moving on to the proposed changes to the Bylaws, NG1G, a member of the committee appointed by then-president W1XX to look into adding to the Bylaws a section on disbanding the club, and not beating a dead horse while going about it, read the proposed changes for the membership’s consideration and approval. After some discussion that not at all resembled beating a dead horse as we are prone to do on matters of significance or insignificance, minor changes were made live on NG1G’s laptop. W1XX made a motion to accept the sum total of the changes made without anyone actually seeing what was on NG1G’s computer screen, and was seconded by K1PAD, also a member of the committee. The motion passed and the new Bylaws will be posted to the web site for all to see what they actually voted on.